Workshop 1 of MI in July: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) & Motivational Interviewing as School Mental Health Providers

Motivational interviewing (MI) provides a way to have conversations about change. Common MI and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) interventions are both powerful and effective strategies that practitioners often find challenging to decide which intervention to use for various school-based social and emotional issues. In this session, Dr. Kristin Dempsey provided considerations for when to use common MI and CBT interventions based on the stages of change being experienced, which interventions overlap, which have specific applications, and which common MI and CBT interventions can be flexibly applied to a number of common school-based challenges. 


Viewers of this video can benefit from the following learning objectives: 

  • Identify at least four common factors shared between motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioral therapy.
  • Create a collaborative treatment/change plan with students and parents that contains at least three change targets that can be addressed using motivational interviewing or cognitive behavioral therapy.
  • Practice applying at least three motivational interviewing and/or cognitive behavioral interventions based on a student’s or parent’s identified concerns and stage of change for each concern.
  • Construct a plan to use integrated motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioral interventions for at least one student/parent.
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