Integrating Social Determinants of Mental Health into Clinical Practice

About the Event: 

As mental health care providers work to address the needs of individuals in their day-to-day work, it can be both difficult and frustrating to treat mental health challenges without also treating the underlying contributors to those challenges. The Social Determinants of Mental Health (SDOMH) are the non-medical societal factors that influence the mental health outcomes of patients, peers, and clients. These intersecting conditions in which a person is born, in which they age, live, and work, all factor into that person’s health. If clinicians learn how these factors impact engagement in care and how to measure these factors’ effect on patients’ outcomes, then they can utilize more comprehensive and effective treatment strategies to address mental health needs. In this in-depth, 3-hour training course, mental health clinicians will learn how to identify the SDOMH, how to systematically measure for them in clinical practice, and how to connect patients with the appropriate community resources and partners to address their specific mental health needs.

Learning objectives:
  1. Describe how the SDOMH impact patients’ mental health, and their access to and engagement in care
  2. Discuss the benefits and challenges of implementing a tool to measure the SDOMH
  3. Describe one example of a measurement tool and how it can be utilized in practice
  4. Develop a plan to integrate SDOMH into practice

*This interactive 3-hour training includes breakout rooms and group discussions. Participation during breakout rooms and/or group discussions is expected.

*Space is limited for this training session.

Starts: Aug 31, 2023 9:00 am
Ends: Aug 31, 2023 12:00 pm
Registration Deadline
August 31, 2023
Event Type
Webinar/Virtual Training
Hosted by
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