Southeast MHTTC’s School Mental Health Crisis Community of Practice: Part 2 - A Deeper Study into the Fourth R of the Crisis Continuum: Renewal

About the Community of Practice: 

In a crisis, school mental health leaders help a school community build a collective coping system; navigate overwhelming situations; and stay attuned to how various members are activated by different events, experience shared events differently, and have varying recovery and renewal needs.

And, this work can be incredibly overwhelming, lonely, and isolating. It doesn’t have to be though: our greatest source of support comes from creating space to resource ourselves, resource each other, and to then resource the school communities we lead.


Join the Southeast MHTTC for the second session in the three-part coaching series for school leaders. Facilitated by the School Crisis Recovery & Renewal project, we are offering three sessions to engage in self & collective reflection. The series is an extended learning opportunity following Parts 1-6 of the collective trauma webinar series; you do not need to have attended all the webinars to attend the CoP, though it is highly recommended. You can view parts 1-6 here.


What can you expect from these CoP sessions?

Application of theory, interactive breakouts, peer coaching, and bringing the frameworks to life (including workshopping how to translate framework language like “healing” into the contexts and communities in which you lead).


Session Overview: 

Session 2 offers a deeper study into the fourth “R” of the crisis continuum: “Renewal.” Together, we explore how we might reimagine hurt and harm into healing. We will explore how to identify root causes of crisis, engage in collective storytelling, lead the redefinition of ourselves and our organizations, and repair (i.e., address harm that arises in crisis and post crisis).


Session Objectives: 

  • Enhance knowledge, skills and capacities related to school crisis recovery & renewal leadership 
  • Identify 1-3 practices to begin or continue implementing that strengthen a trauma-informed crisis leadership approach


Register for the other session

Session 1: 11/29 from 12:00 - 1:00pm here

Session 3: 12/13 from 12:00 - 1:00pm here

Starts: Dec 6, 2022 12:00 pm
Ends: Dec 6, 2022 1:00 pm
Registration Deadline
December 6, 2022
Event Type
Learning Collaborative
Hosted by
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