Home > Interconnected Systems Framework Webinar Series
The Northwest MHTTC and Pacific Southwest MHTTC are excited to partner to bring you our three-part Interconnected Systems Framework Webinar Series.
The interconnected systems framework (ISF) promotes using a single system of delivery for educational and mental health supports in schools. ISF offers a solution to the challenge of meeting the needs of the whole child. Presented by Susan Barrett, MA, and facilitated by the school mental health leads of the Northwest MHTTC (Kelcey Schmitz) and the Pacific Southwest MHTTC (Leora Wolf-Prusan). Guest speakers include : Tawni Barlow, M.Ed Medical Lake School District, Natalie Sedano, CAHELP, Jennifer Kubista, Ed.D, Superintendent at Central School District 13J & Kaci Fleetwood, M.Ed, State Coordinator for Nevada's School Climate Transformation Project.
Learning Objectives:
> ISF 101: Recorded Webinar
> ISF 101: Presentation PDF
> ISF 101: Factsheet
ISF enhances multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) by integrating student mental health and wellness into the existing structures. It engages a broader range of partners, involves a wider scope of data, and expands interventions to address mental health.
This webinar will be led by Susan Barrett, contributing author for the ISF Fact Sheet series, who will be joined by school district and system-based ISF practitioners from the Northwest and Pacific Southwest regions, Tawni Barlow (Washington) and Natalie Sedano (California). Presenters will share their ISF implementation challenges, celebrations, and lessons learned or learning.
Learning Objectives:
> ISF 201: Recorded Webinar
> ISF 201: Presentation PDF
> ISF 201: Factsheet
ISF is most transformative at the local level. This webinar details the installation process at the district, community, and school level that results in a comprehensive ISF action plan.
This webinar will be led by Susan Barrett, contributing author for the ISF Fact Sheet series, who will be joined by school district and system-based ISF practitioners from the Northwest and Pacific Southwest regions, Jennifer Kubista (Oregon) and Kaci Fleetwood (Nevada). Presenters will share their ISF implementation challenges, celebrations, and lessons learned or learning.
Learning Objectives:
> ISF 301: Recorded Webinar
> ISF 301: Presentation PDF
> ISF 301: Factsheet
Susan Barrett serves as the Director for the Center on Social Behavior Supports at Old Dominion University and an Implementer Partner with the National Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). She assists with large-scale implementation of PBIS; partners with researchers to evaluate the impact of PBIS on students, school staff, and school communities; and served on the Association of Positive Behavior Supports Board of Directors. She also co-leads the development of the Interconnected Systems Framework, mental health, and PBIS expansion effort. Susan has been published in the areas of large-scale adoption of PBIS, mental health, cost-benefit analysis, advanced tier system development, and adoption of evidence-based practices in schools.
Kelcey Schmitz, MSEd, is the Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) and School Mental Health Training and Technical Assistance Specialist at the University of Washington School Mental Health, Assessment, Research and Training (SMART) Center. Kelcey has been involved in many Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) efforts providing training, coaching, and evaluation to schools, districts, families and community organizations to support the social, emotional, and behavioral strengths and needs of students within an MTSS framework. She brings extensive experience leading state-wide MTSS efforts. Kelcey is also part of the Washington Partnership Access Line (PAL) for Schools pilot project and the Washington State School Climate Transformation Grant. Kelcey has a master’s degree in Special Education from the University of Kansas.
Leora Wolf-Prusan, EdD, is the School Mental Health Lead and Training Specialist for the Pacific Southwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Center, a project of SAMHSA that provides no-cost professional development to support the school mental health workforce in the Pacific Islands, Hawaii, California, Nevada & Arizona. She formerly served as the field director for a SAMHSA Now is the Time Initiative, ReCAST (Resiliency in Communities After Stress and Trauma), which involves providing support to the 10 grantee cities and counties as they build city-based resiliency plans to respond to civil unrest due to community-based trauma. In addition to these national grants, she provides consulting and training for numerous other clients around issues related to school climate and positive youth development, educator mental health & wellness, and trauma-informed approaches to education.
Tawni Barlow, M.Ed, is the Student Services Director for the Medical Lake School District. She oversees nursing, 504, special education and mental health services for the district. Prior to working in the education field, she worked in behavioral science, corrections and social work for close to 20 years, specializing in crisis response, counseling and behavior management. Tawni’s experience as an administrator as well as line level staff has given her the perspective to effectively communicate with all levels of an organization. She holds an Educational Staff Associate (ESA) certification in both school counseling and school psychology, and prior to becoming an administrator she worked as a School Psychologist in the local community. She earned a Bachelor of Liberal Studies in Humanities and a Masters of Education (M.Ed.) in counseling, with an emphasis on research, from Whitworth University and an Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) degree in School Psychology through Eastern Washington University. Tawni is currently an adjunct professor for Whitworth University and provides clinical supervision for the Marriage and Family therapist interns.
Jennifer Kubista, Ed.D, is the current Superintendent at Central School District 13J, located in Independence and Monmouth, OR. She is a graduate of Gonzaga University (BBA), University of Connecticut (MA.Ed), and Seattle University (Ed.D). She was recognized as an Emerging Leader (2014) and Influence Leader (2017) through the Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD). She has a passion for volleyball as she continues to coach high level Division I volleyball officials. She leads through continuous learning, relationships, equity, accountability, and collaborative processes focused on the development of the whole child.
Natalie Sedano, CAHELP (California Association of Health and Education Linked Professions JPA), is a Prevention and Intervention Lead Specialist at Desert/Mountain SELPA. Natalie has been in the field of education for over 14 years. She holds a Masters degree and PPS credential in Educational Counseling and in School Psychology. Natalie has worked as a special education aide, a school counselor, and an intervention specialist for at-risk youth. Natalie has been a school site and district Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports coach. Enthusiastic and determined, she is passionate about advancing education effectiveness by interconnecting school mental health and school-wide positive behavioral support. She is an advocate for systems and ensuring that the “whole” child is addressed.
Kaci Fleetwood, M.Ed., BCBA, is the State Coordinator for Nevada's School Climate Transformation Project. Her current role assists school districts across Nevada to implement and sustain Multi-Tiered Systems of Support. Kaci Fleetwood received her master's degree in Education in 2010, and her bachelor's degrees in 2005 in Elementary and Special Education. Kaci Fleetwood previously worked for Washoe County School District, where she taught youth in both general and special education settings at the elementary and high school levels. After traditional teaching, she worked as an Implementation Specialist at the school-site, zone, and district levels. She holds Nevada instructional licenses in elementary education, special education, English as a second language, and literacy/reading specialist. Kaci completed her Board Certification in Behavior Analysis in 2015.
Want more information and school mental health resources? Visit the Northwest MHTTC's School Mental Health page and sign up for our monthly newsletter for regular updates about events, trainings, and resources available to the Northwest region.