Classroom/Group Meetings and Stabilization


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Event Description

This session is designed for all adults working with larger groups (like a whole staff or classroom) to be able to understand the importance of meeting scripts in dispelling rumors and myths after a crisis, how to triage out those in need of more interventions from a larger group, and Stabilization if needed (techniques will also be covered).


Leslie Baunach, MA/CAS, NCSP

Leslie Baunach, NCSP, was a school psychologist with Oahu Central School District for over 10 years. She is currently the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Delegate for the state of Hawaii and a Delegate Representative for the West Region on the NASP Board of Directors. Leslie has previously served on the Hawaii Association of School Psychologists (HASP) board of directors as Treasurer and President, and has headed up the legislative platform for nine years, currently serving as the HASP legislative co-chair. Leslie serves as the Executive Director of the School Psychology Support Network, which supports school psychologists nationally. Leslie became a NASP PREPaRE trainer in 2015 and has conducted PREPaRE workshops for the Hawaii DOE, HASP, Northern Marianas Islands schools, and Punahou School in Honolulu.

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