Washington State Telehealth COVID-19 Series #1 April 22, 2020: Telehealth Nuts & Bolts Kick-Off

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Week 1

Training #1:  Telehealth Nuts & Bolts Kick-Off

Access slides here

Access Q&A from webinar here


  • Cara Towle, MSN, RN, MA. Associate Director, Telepsychiatry, University of Washington
  • Brad Felker, MD. VA Puget Sound Health Care System; Professor, University of Washington Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
  • Marc Avery, MD. Principal Consultant, Health Management Associates
  • Melody McKee, MS, SUDP. Program Director, Behavioral Health Training, Workforce and Policy Innovation Center, Behavioral Health Institute, University of Washington
  • Rande Gray, Senior Computer Specialist, Telehealth Services, University of Washington

Learning objectives:

  • Review the definition of telehealth
  • Review access to HCA laptops and Zoom accounts
  • Review Zoom tips and functionality
  • Review HIPAA regulations for telehealth
  • Identify needs for further training and assistance


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