School Mental Health Financing


The following resources provide information on options for financing school mental health services. For more information, check out these resources.

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Medicaid - General

Will Medicaid Pay for This Service? Key Constraints on Medicaid Reimbursement for School-Based Mental Health Services (August 2019) 

This infographic provides an overview of key constraints on Medicaid reimbursement for school mental health services. [Back to Top]

Medicaid - EPSDT

The Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) Medicaid Benefit (October 2020) 

This infographic describes the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) benefit, a rich benefit mandated to be covered in all Medicaid programs for youth (age < 21). It also highlights key common misconceptions about EPSDT. [Back to Top]

Medicaid Managed Care

Medicaid Managed Care and Behavioral Health Benefit Administration: Southeast Region (August 2019)

This infographic provides information about Medicaid managed care and how behavioral health benefits are administered in Medicaid programs in the Southeast. [Back to Top]

Medicaid - The “Free Care Rule”

Free Care Rule Medicaid Financing Tips (June 2020) 

This infographic describes the "Free Care Rule" in Medicaid and discusses how the recently changed federal interpretation of this rule can affect local education agencies' capacity to leverage Medicaid to finance health services, including school-based mental health services. It also includes links to key resources on the Free Care Rule change in 2014 and active state efforts to act on this change. [Back to Top]

Medicaid - Cost-based Reimbursement

What is Cost-Based Reimbursement? Financing School Based Services Through Medicaid (August 2021)

Many Medicaid-eligible school-based services are reimbursed under a cost-based system. This infographic provides and introduction to cost-based reimbursement systems.

How are Local Education Agencies (LEAs) Paid Under Cost-Based Reimbursement? Financing School Based Services through Medicaid (August 2021) 

Many state Medicaid offices use a cost-based system to reimburse service costs and administrative costs associated with school-based service provision. Under cost-based reimbursement, LEAs and state Medicaid offices take routine actions when a Medicaid-eligible school-based services is provided throughout a quarter (or year). At the end of a quarter (year), additional actions are required to determine settlement payments. This two-page infographic walks through all of the steps these actors take both routinely and at quarter-end (year-end) to provide reimbursement under a cost-based reimbursement system.

Comparing Reimbursement Systems: Fee for Service (FFS) VS. Cost-Based - Financing School Based Services through Medicaid (August 2021) 

Medicaid reimburses most eligible school-based services through one of two systems: fee-for-service and cost-based reimbursement. This infographic illustrates how the actions of schools and state Medicaid offices differ between the two reimbursement systems. [Back to Top]

Medicaid in the Southeast U.S.

Eligibility and Enrollment in Medicaid in the Southeast (August 2019) 

This infographic provides information about Medicaid eligibility for children and child enrollment rates in the Medicaid program in the Southeast.

Distinctive Features of Medicaid Programs in the Southeast Region (August 2019) 

This infographic provides an overview of key features of Medicaid programs in the Southeast. [Back to Top]

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

Using IDEA to Fund School-Based Mental Health Services (June 2020) 

This infographic describes how school-based mental health services are financed under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). It includes basic information about IDEA and individualized education programs (IEPs), and it offers more specific guidance around IDEA and the funding of school-based mental health services for parents, for local education agencies, and for providers. [Back to Top]

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