South Southwest MHTTC Trauma-informed Care Training

Trauma is pervasive and impacts all of us, children and adults. One way we can be responsive, healing-centered, and recovery-oriented in this space is to normalize that which we know is real. Building a form of care centered and informed by trauma can help promote a culture of safety, trust, empowerment and choice, and peer support. In collaboration with the Children’s Commission and the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC), the South Southwest MHTTC has compiled and curated documents to provide various professionals with all available trauma-informed care training resources. 

Trauma-Informed Care Basics Training

As systems move toward providing trauma-informed care, it is important for everyone at all levels of an organization to understand the basics of trauma-informed care. The following resources and courses introduce participants to understanding stress, understanding trauma, and understanding trauma-informed care. All organizational staff can complete the course to develop a shared language, understand stress and trauma, connect the role of resilience in response to adversity and trauma, and identify ways everyone in the organization can support trauma-informed care and implement trauma-informed approaches.

Upcoming Events

Please check back regularly for upcoming events!

Talking Beyond Trauma Podcast

There is a great deal of discussion in human service organizations about the need to create authentic and sustainable trauma-informed cultures. Aspiring to develop a truly person-centered culture is no small task. It must address the realities of trauma while also tending to the unique needs of leaders responsible for the organization. The challenge to leaders does not go unnoticed! If you find yourself wanting to dive deeper into the issue of workplace culture and trauma, join us!

Trauma Informed Care Series: Knowledge & Strategies for Health and Hope

The South Southwest MHTTC collaborated with the Texas Association of Community Health Centers to provide this trauma-informed care series. The following resources offer knowledge and strategies to advance holistic patient-centered care. 

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