Suicide Prevention Month

September is recognized as National Suicide Prevention Month, a time to raise awareness, promote understanding, offer support to those struggling, learn from individuals with lived experience, and honor those that have been lost to suicide. We need to take this opportunity to recognize the importance of open conversations, mental health education, and community involvement to prevent suicide. By coming together, we can create a compassionate and empathetic environment where everyone feels valued and understood. Remember, suicide is preventable and we each play a role in fostering hope for a brighter future!

South Southwest MHTTC Resources

Suicide Prevention Resource Booklet

This resource booklet has many different resources for suicide prevention, including sections for crisis, learning about suicide and how to help yourself or a friend, finding a therapist, apps and interactive tools for keeping yourself safe, as well as resources for clinicians.

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A Guide for Talking to Someone About Suicide

Asking a loved one about suicide is never an easy conversation. However, the act of talking about suicide can save a life and provide an opportunity for a struggling friend or family member to share their feelings and get support. We have put together a brief guide to facilitate a conversation with someone about suicide and compiled some useful resources. 

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"Did You Know?" Social Media Toolkit

This social media toolkit includes six posts that each debunk a different myth around suicide. Feel free to share on your own networks!

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Suicide Fast Facts Social Media Toolkit

The South Southwest MHTTC has put together four posts for social media that offer a unique "fast fact." Please feel free to share these posts across your social networks.

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Warning Signs of Suicide Handout

Many people who are considering suicide display warning signs. Warning signs of suicide include identifiable indicators, such as changes in behaviors, talk, and mood. The South Southwest MHTTC has put together a handout that highlights common warning signs of suicide.

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Protective Factors for Suicide Prevention

There are documented factors that can protect against suicide. These factors work to prevent suicide on a variety of levels. Learning about what steps can be taken to prevent suicide can empower individuals and communities to take action. The South Southwest MHTTC has put together a handout identifying protective factors for suicide prevention.

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