Home > Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth in Schools Learning Series
The Southeast MHTTC hosted a two-part webinar series in March 2021 to provide an overview of the school experiences of LGBTQ+ secondary school students (part 1) and an overview of practices and policies that can improve the school experiences of LGBTQ+ students (part 2).
In this series, leaders from GLSEN including, Nhan Truong, Aaron Ridings, and a.t. furuya, presented on: 1) basic terminology for LGBTQ+ youth; 2) research on LGBTQ+ students’ school experiences nationally and in the Southeast; 3) practices and policies that can improve the school experiences of LGBTQ+ students; and 4) how LGBTQ+ youth experiences help inform the work of GLSEN’s Education Youth Programs. LGBTQ+ youth from GLSEN’s National School Council spoke about their school experiences and the challenges they face, as well as how their school's changes and supports would benefit them.
You can now view the recording and slides for this learning series:
Understanding the school experiences of LGBTQ+ students (Part 1)
Improving the School Experiences of LGBTQ+ Students (Part 2)