Home > The Well-Being Series
We’re all adapting to a New Normal. Coronavirus has changed our jobs, our homes, our kids’ schooling. Every parent is trying to adjust, to manage their changed work situation and changed home situation. We’re all worried.
None of us know what’s coming next.
And nor do our kids.
While we wrestle with how best to manage our changed day-to-day logistics and lives, our children are wrestling with the same things. And doing it without what keeps them grounded: school, sports, band or orchestra practice, theater, engineering club, physical contact with friends.
We know that suicide rates increase at times of stress, disconnection and loss of purpose, and our kids are experiencing all of these right now. Now, more than ever, we need to support our kids’ mental health. And parents need to understand the basics of suicide awareness and prevention.
In response to these critical needs, the School Mental Health supplement is partnering with Forefront Suicide Prevention Center, University of Washington SMART Center, Association of Washington School Principals, DBT in Schools, NWPBIS Network, Sounds Supports, LLC, and WellEducator to bring you a series of webinars for kids, parents, and educators, focusing on mental wellness and suicide prevention.
*Thank you to Rebecca Whimsical Art for the original photo and artwork.
Thursday June 11th, 11am - 12:30pm (PST)
These are difficult times for many families struggling to cope with job losses or working from home while managing the added responsibility of child care and home schooling. This webinar will focus on the mental health and well-being of children and families during the COVID-19 pandemic and the early data that provides insight into the challenges and opportunities for substance misuse prevention practitioners to support families and communities during this time. The webinar will also highlight many of the resources available from Child Trends, the nation’s leading research organization focused exclusively on improving the lives of children and youth, especially those who are most vulnerable. The webinar will also discuss how these resources can be applied in your agency and community setting.
Wednesday June 17th, 1 - 3pm (PST)
>> Learn more & watch the recording here.
Join college and high school students for Hope & Cope 2020:
A virtual event that inspires you to experience this pandemic as a positive growth opportunity rather than a barrier to life. By choosing to attend this virtual event and the storytelling you do immediately thereafter, it may change you – and the rest of your life.
As part of this event, attendees will be able to:
• Tell and hear stories of the most authentic, personal kind.
• Build resilience as you explore and articulate your values, fears, and dreams.
• Help others cope if you decide to share your story.
Tell Your Story:
After this event you will be invited to submit your video story, to the Hope & Cope story platform. Your story will be compiled and returned to you as your own personal story capsule of your experiences during the pandemic.
Wednesday May 27th, 2pm - 4pm (PST)
Life, as we knew it just a few weeks ago, has been completely turned upside down. That feeling you are feeling but can’t seem to describe in words may be grief. People are experiencing the loss of jobs, school, hugs, social connections, sports, graduations, weddings, funerals, it seems that every area of our life has been touched. We can’t even go to the grocery store without worry and stress. And if we were already grieving a loss, coping can be complicated. What do we do with this surreal feeling of disorientation? How do we recognize the signs and symptoms of grief and how do we cope? This webinar will give you an overview of what grief looks like at any time but especially during
a time of ambiguous loss. We will talk about how to care for yourself and
others in a time of uncertainty.
Thursday April 2nd, 10am - 12pm (PST)
Forefront Suicide Prevention Center's LEARN® Saves Lives webinar teaches essential skills for suicide prevention. Join us to learn how to:
April 3rd, April 24th, May 15th, June 3rd
*All webinars from 1 - 2:30pm (PST)
>> Learn more about all 4 webinars here.
At WellEducator we wholeheartedly believe that nurturing others begins by nurturing oneself. This Educator Wellness Series is designed for you, the educator, to take a break from what can feel like an overwhelming hustle to prepare, deliver, and support your students and focus on your own wellbeing. We also believe EVERY educator is doing the best they can, and there is always room for growth and development. We designed this 4 Session Series to support you in tapping into your resiliency skills, increasing your self-compassion, creating self-care routines, building a practice of gratitude and appreciation and celebrating - even those small successes - to support your wellbeing. We know you are showing up for your students, that’s what you do! It’s time to take a time out just for you!
April 3, 2020
April 24, 2020
May 15, 2020
June 3, 2020
April 30th, May 14th, June 4th
*All webinars from 1 - 2:30pm (PST)
>> Learn more about all 3 webinars here.
This webinar series is focused on the role of the school leader in creating and maintaining a positive climate and culture virtually during the global pandemic and in the building upon the return to school. We know these are challenging times and want to provide information you can use immediately and to use for the plans to return to school as part of your MTSS framework. The series is broken into three 90-minute sessions on three separate dates. *Please note that the last session is a chance to get your questions addressed LIVE!
April 30, 2020
May 14, 2020
June 3, 2020
DBT STEPS-A Online Lessons
Tuesday and Thursday mornings April 21, 2020 - June 16, 2020
*All live streams will take place from 10 - 11am (Pacific Time)
>> Subscribe to their YouTube channel and join live.
>> Learn more about their weekly schedule and access recorded lessons here.
Join Doctors Jim & Lizz Mazza & family in their living room as they teach kids the basics of emotional regulation and specific skills such as mindfulness, distress tolerance and interpersonal effectiveness—essential skills at any time, but even more critical during COVID-19. Our kids -- all of us -- are upended emotionally right now. Tune in with your kids to help you reduce conflict and to keep this pandemic in perspective.
Live Q&A Sessions with Jim and Lizz Mazza
May 19, 2020 and June 16, 2020, 10 - 11am (PST)
Registration Required.
Have you been watching the Mazza's live or online videos as they support their kids and your kids in developing DBT, otherwise known as, critical life skills? Do you have any questions about their lessons might translate into your own home? A school setting? Have you read their book or attended their past training on DBT in schools? Well, don't miss the opportunity to ask whatever questions you may have of them when they do live Q&A sessions on May 19th and June 16th, 2020.
Wednesday May 13th, 9:30 - 11:00 am (PST)
Note: This webinar was originally focused on the topic of evidenced-based approaches to trauma in schools. As a result of the global pandemic, we are now offering a more timely training on psychological first aid. This webinar is now available for up to 500 registrants. We will reshcedule the original webinar for a later date.
Description: This training was specifically designed as a five-step crisis response strategy based on communication skills that educators and school staff use every day. Although initially introduced in response to targeted school violence, such as school shootings and other acts of violence on a school campus, the goals of Psychological First Aid for Schools – Listen Protect Connect/Model and Teach have relevance to the COVID-19 pandemic which has seriously disrupted the daily lives over children and adults all over the world. The closure of schools and businesses adds to the health risks faced by all which contribute to the stresses that students and adults face under orders of physical distancing, stay at home directives or quarantine conditions. Given the levels of internet and web connectivity for students, being at home doesn’t have to mean being cut off from teachers, school support staff, classmates and friends.
Friday, April 10
12:00 - 1:15 pm Pacific
>> Access recording & meeting materials here.
Hosts: The Northwest (Kelcey Schmitz) and Pacific Southwest MHTTCs (Leora Wolf-Prusan), Center on PBIS (Susan Barrett)
Description: For the past couple of months the Northwest and Pacific Southwest regions have been engaged in learning about the Interconnected Systems Framework - a structure and process to integrate PBIS and school mental health within school systems. This systems work is just as important now, as schools explore how to best provide school mental health, telehealth, and virtual student supports.
Join us for a "think tank" workshop to identify the needs we are noticing; the resources in our field that can support those needs; and ways we can develop tools and supports to fill the gaps. Some of the questions we can work through together may be:
Want more information and school mental health resources? Visit the Northwest MHTTC's School Mental Health page and sign up for our monthly newsletter for regular updates about events, trainings, and resources available to the Northwest region.