October Observances

Image of a pile of fall leaves with the text October Observances




October 1-7 is Mental Illness Awareness Week

This week raises awareness of mental illness and the mental health crisis in the U.S. while connecting people to supports and resources.




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  • Mental Wellness vs. Mental Illness: Hosted by the Northwest MHTTC, this recorded webinar helps us identify stigmas and stereotypes of mental illness and then adopt a mental wellness perspective that promotes positivity into practice.
  • Perspectives in Crisis: Decriminalizing Mental Health Crisis: In this recorded webinar hosted by the Southeast MHTTC, peer panelists discuss the factors that have contributed to the criminalization of mental health issues and identify strategies that can help communities to decriminalize mental illness, including diversion, co-responding, and forensic peer mentoring.


October 5 is National Depression Screening Day

This day seeks to bring awareness of depression and hope to those who have it.



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October 10 is World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day seeks to make wellbeing and mental health for all a priority across the globe.




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October 9 is Indigenous Peoples' Day

On Indigenous Peoples' Day, we celebrate the culture, resilience and history of Indigenous people and their diverse communities.



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Decorative Banner with the text 10th October WHD: World Homeless Day


World Homeless Day draws attention to the needs of unhoused people across the world and seeks to end homelessness through policy and funding.




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Decorative Banner with the text National Substance Abuse Prevention Month


This month highlights the importance of substance abuse prevention, remembers those who died from substance abuse and celebrates the many people who are currently in recovery.




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National Hispanic Heritage Month: September 15 - October 15


We celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month to honor the many contributions and positive impacts the Hispanic and Latine community has had on our world.



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Image of a crosswalk painted in rainbow colors with the text LGBTW+ History Month


This month celebrates LGBTQ+ individuals' contributions to their communities and this country. It also aims to increase knowledge of LGBTQ+ history while highlighting role models within the community.




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Image of an orange handprint on a white background with the text "Stop Bullying" in the handprint and the text "National Bullying Prevention Month" next to the handpring


This month aims to transform our society from one that accepts bullying into one that prioritizes bullying prevention through education and support.


  • CDC's Preventing Bullying Page: Provides background information on bullying, statistics on how big the problem is, and resources to help prevent bullying
  • Youth.gov National Bullying Prevention Month: Offers information on what bullying is, the history of National Bullying Prevention Month, ways to get involved in events during this month, and a compilation of federal resources for bullying prevention


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Decorative banner with the text Disability Employment Awareness Month


This month increases awareness of the many contributions that disabled American workers offer and highlights discriminatory employment barriers that still need to be removed.



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