Well-Being Wednesdays: Coping with Difficult Thoughts, Feelings and Experiences

Well-Being Wednesdays March Thumbnail

In Well-Being Wednesdays: Coping with Difficult Thoughts, Feelings and Experiences, which aired March 10, 2021, attendees continue learning about the distinctions between pleasant and difficult emotions and experiences, including the importance of difficult thoughts and emotions to survival. They also learn a specific technique for distancing from these experiences without avoiding them so that they can better accept, cope, and ultimately move beyond them in moments where they are unhelpful.

Well-Being Wednesdays: Taking Care of Educators Who Take Care of Kids is a webinar series geared toward education professionals, administrators, and stakeholders who are working together to create a culture of well-being that supports students and educators.

Learn more: https://bit.ly/Well-beingWeds

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