Not Otherwise Better Explained: Adequate Assessment of ADHD in a Culture of ACEs and Trauma

Event Description

Executive function symptoms are common effects of everyday stress, myriad psychological concerns and, crucially, trauma and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Yet, Criterion E—that ADHD is a diagnosis of exclusion—is often ignored. How can we adequately assess for ADHD given the pervasiveness of trauma? Best practice considerations will be discussed.    


Melanie Wilcox, PhD, ABPP 

Dr. Melanie Wilcox is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychological Sciences, Institute of Public and Preventive Health, and Department of Psychiatry at Augusta University. She is also a licensed psychologist and board certified in counseling psychology and works part-time in private practice providing both therapy and assessment via telehealth. Her clinical areas of expertise include culturally responsive and trauma-informed care as well as substance abuse and addiction. Her research focuses on culturally response and antiracist psychotherapy and training, racial and socioeconomic inequity in higher education, and racial and social justice more broadly. She is in her final year as a member of the American Psychological Association’s Board of Educational Affairs, which she chaired in 2020, and is currently President Elect-Elect of APA Division 17, the Society of Counseling Psychology. 

May 20, 2024
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