Recovery-Oriented Practice Webinar Series with Patricia E. Deegan, PhD. Session 1: Navigating Risk: The Dignity of Risk and the Duty to Care

Everyone can support the foundational principles of recovery: choice, self-determination and the importance of relationships. However, translating these principles into real world practice can be difficult. What is recovery-oriented practice when people make choices that may steer their lives ​away from​ ​recovery?




Pat Deegan Headshot

Patricia E. Deegan, PhD's mission is to help activate and empower mental health services users in their own recovery and to provide peer supporters and clinicians with the know-how to support people in their recovery journey. She is uniquely positioned to fulfill her vocation because she was diagnosed with schizophrenia as a teenager, went on to get her doctorate in clinical psychology and today leads a company run by and for people in recovery. She is a thought-leader in the field of mental health recovery, has numerous peer-reviewed publications, has held a number of academic appointments, and has carried a message of hope for recovery to audiences around the world. In addition to her work on the CommonGround Program, she consults with OnTrackNY and has helped the team at the Center for Practice Innovations develop an innovative model for engaging young people under the NIMH RAISE Study. The model is now being adopted nationally.


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November 2, 2020
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