Coming Home to Primary Care: Pediatric Integrated Behavioral Health


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This series has concluded. Webinar recordings and slide decks available below.



Description of Series:

Learn from Mid-America MHTTC specialists how to successfully navigate the field of integrated behavioral health and primary care. Each month, our Center’s integrated care team will lead a discussion on a topic that is relevant and practical for today’s mental health professionals and primary care providers. Walk away equipped with knowledge of how to 1) integrate behavioral health into primary care, 2) use evidence-based practices in primary care, and 3) become a valued member of the medical home team in primary care.


Target Audience:

Behavioral health providers (psychologists, masters level counselors, social workers etc.), primary care providers (physicians, NPs, PAs) and Nurses (RNs). 


Global Objectives:

  • Describe the advantages of integrated care for patients, physicians, and providers
  • Describe the models of integration
  • Identify evidence-based and evidence-informed interventions for each disorder and adaptations to make these inventions appropriate for delivery in the primary care setting.
  • Discuss strategies for team-based collaboration and interventions in the primary care setting.





Difficulty Level:




Session Archive


Professional Well-Being

Friday, May 28, 2021 | CID: 49699

Watch the webinar | Download the slides

Content Description: 

Health care workers — including but not limited to physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, behavioral health providers, and administrators — experience exceptional levels of burnout and compassion fatigue as the result of packed schedules, emotional demand, and moral injury — and these stressors have only been amplified since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this webinar, speakers will describe how stress affects us psychologically and biologically and share research-backed strategies for overcoming barriers to well-being. These strategies are rooted in the Adult Resilience Curriculum, or ARC, a 10-module model for implementing well-being at both the individual and organizational level. The model is rooted in adult positive psychology and organizational well-being theories and has been adapted to apply across medical and educational settings.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss the psychological and biological effects of stress related to well-being.
  • Explain how Adult Resilience Curriculum (ARC) for Health Professionals can be implemented at the individual and institutional levels to help overcome barriers to well-being.
  • Articulate how the Mid-America Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) resources can be utilized to assist with an individual’s professional well-being.

Speakers: Brittany Liebsack, PhD, LPChristian Klepper, PsyD, LP



Organizational Well-Being

Friday, April 30, 2021 | CID: 49698

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Content Description: Organizational well-being has been misunderstood historically and may be conflated with personal/professional well-being and “self-care.” Therefore, it is important to reconcile professional and organizational well-being and to understand the ways in which these two concepts are complementary. Broadly, there are three main components of organizational well-being: leadership, climate, and culture. Each of these can be broken down into various subdomains. Leadership involves setting policy and distributing leadership. Climate involves the structures in place within an organization to support well-being. Culture involves the ways in which people actually behave in the organization, including efficiency and available support. Finally, we will discuss some examples of ways in which these goals have been or could be implemented within the integrated primary care setting.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe organizational well-being, including how it is different from and related to professional well-being.

  • Explain the main characteristics/factors/qualities of organizational well-being.

  • Discuss exemplar implementation strategies that could be applied to the integrated primary care setting.

Speakers: Brittany Liebsack, PhD, LPChristian Klepper, PsyD, LP



Equity Considerations in Rural Communities and Reservations

Friday, March 26, 2021

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Content Description: Participants for this webinar will develop an understanding of mental health inequity in rural communities and reservations. This webinar will describe unique components such as challenges to financial sustainability, integration of culture, provider recruitment and retention, and overall health conditions of these communities. Strategies to overcoming these barriers will be described by current practices of clinics in a rural and reservation setting. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss overall health disparities including rates of comorbidities and factors contributing to inequities in behavioral health across rural areas and reservations. 

  • Identify strategies for decolonizing service delivery and incorporating cultural values and norms of communities served. 

  • Identify challenges related to the sustainability of funding and the limitations on specialty providers for the community and how each member of the interdisciplinary health care team can help strategically to maintain quality service delivery in sparsely populated areas.   

  • Describe the benefits and challenges of telehealth during a pandemic. 

Speaker(s): Anitra Warrior, PhDKayzandra Bond, PhD



Addressing Linguistic Diversity in Pediatric Integrated Care

Friday, Feb. 26, 2021 | CID: 49696

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Content Description: This session will cover the challenges of meeting linguistic needs in mental health services with an emphasis on integrated systems of care. It will first discuss the scope of the problem of linguistic barriers to care. It will cover the importance of improving access to linguistically and culturally appropriate services and how that may function differently in various interpretation models. It will also provide concrete recommendations for working with interpreters.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe barriers to care due to inequalities in linguistic abilities when providing mental health services within an integrated healthcare system.
  • Discuss how various interpreter models and functions help to overcome the challenges of meeting linguistic and cultural needs within the pediatric mental health integrated system of care.
  • Discuss recommendations to consider when working with interpreters to address pediatric mental health needs.

Speaker(s): Gloria Gonzalez-Kruger, PhDKayzandra Bond, PhD, Arthur "Trey" Andrews III, PhD



Building an Equitable Workforce in Pediatric Integrated Care

Friday, Jan. 29, 2021 | CID: 49695

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Content Description: This session will describe the two-fold workforce development needs for creating mental health equity in integrated primary care: creating an equitable workforce and training for creating equitable clinical structures. Speakers will discuss the unique approaches that have been successful in recruiting and retaining individuals from the communities in which they serve as well as ways to engage community support.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify innovative approaches for recruitment and retention of your workforce team with the intent to create mental health equity within an integrated primary care system. 
  • Discuss how to generate a more representative workforce along with more equitable outcomes as identified from research efforts involving the pediatric population 
  • Describe the importance of obtaining support from the community including identification of resources and community agencies in order to foster growth for the future workforce.

Speaker(s): Kayzandra Bond, PhD, Arthur "Trey" Andrews III, PhD



Considerations in Maintaining Equity on Our Path to Pediatric Primary Care

Friday, Oct. 30, 2020 | CID: 47899

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Content Description: This session will cover considerations associated with racial equity in primary care settings. It is important to ensure that efforts are made to increase access to behavioral health services in primary care clinics. Speakers will identify ways to improve, enhance, and maintain an equitable integrated care practice.

Speaker(s): Anitra Warrior, PhD,* Kayzandra Bond, PhD, Arthur "Trey" Andrews III, PhD

*Dr. Warrior was unable to join us for this webinar. Watch her presentation (recorded separately).



Ready to Hit the Pavement: How to Dive Into Primary Care

Friday, Sept. 25, 2020 | CID: 47898

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This session will present ways to introduce an organization, practice, and/or primary care physician to integrated behavioral health. Speakers will advocate utilizing successful strategies and lessons learned when establishing an integrated care practice.

Speaker(s): Holly Roberts, PhD, Blake Lancaster, PhD



The Road to Primary Care: Several Paths to Coming Home

Friday, Aug. 28, 2020 | CID: 47897

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This session will focus on models of integrated behavioral health care with emphasis on the Primary Care model. Speakers will present the importance of communication with the primary care team and communication strategies such as warm hand-offs and hallway consultations. The benefits of utilizing these strategies will be highlighted as ways to promote collaboration, increase attendance rates for patients, and provide the type and brevity of communication needed in a busy primary care clinic.

Speaker(s): Joseph Evans, PhD, Holly Roberts, PhD



Starting Down the Integrated Care Road and How the Mid-America MHTTC Can Help

Friday, July 31, 2020 | CID: 47815

Watch the webinar | Download the slides

This session will introduce the integration of behavioral health providers in primary care practices as well as the technical assistance the Mid-America MHTTC offers in this field. Speakers will demonstrate how integration efforts increase access to behavioral health, increase appointment attendance, and reduce stigma. Members of the Mid-America MHTTC Integrated Care Program will welcome requests to establish and/or enhance integration efforts in primary care. 

Speaker(s): Joseph Evans, PhD



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