LGBTQ+ Student Mental Health


Resource Collection (2022)

The Southeast MHTTC School Mental Health Initiative collaborated with the Center of Excellence on LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health Equity to support school mental health providers as they increase their skills as affirming providers to better support LGBTQ+ students.



LGBTQ+ Youth Mental Health Webinar Series (May 2022)

In Spring 2022 we hosted three live learning sessions focused on building provider skills for supporting LGBTQ+ youth. The intended audience for this series is providers who are interested in learning more about how they can best support their LGBTQ+ clients.

Part I: How to Signal you are an Affirming Provider & How to Respond when a Young Person Discloses their SOGIE (May 2022)

This session, hosted in collaboration with the Center of Excellence on LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health Equity, provides guidance on what types of school policies and strategies can be implemented to help promote and build an affirming environment for LGBTQ+ young people. Attendees also learn strategies for responding when a student discloses their sexual orientation and/or gender identity and expression (SOGIE).

Part II: Supporting Families of LGBTQ+ students (May 2022)

In this session, hosted in collaboration with the Center of Excellence on LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health Equity, we provide helpful tips on working with families and other caregivers of LGBTQ+ youth. Some families may struggle to understand their child or youth’s sexual orientation or gender identity. Some may fear rejection from their own communities or fear what the future may hold for their family. During this session, attendees hear about the importance of family support, strategies for helping families process their feelings, and promising programs that are making strides towards creating evidence-based programs for families of LGBTQ+ youth.

Part III: Safety Planning for LGBTQ+ Students (May 2022)

This session, hosted in collaboration with the Center of Excellence on LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health Equity, provides information on safety planning with LGBTQ+ youth. Safety planning is a protective measure that can be implemented with youth in situations that may lead to distress and crisis — from disclosing their identities to engaging in gender-segregated activities. This session covers: (1) assessment of available supports for LGBTQ+ youth; (2) anticipation of challenges LBGTQ+ youth may face in distressing situations; and (3) tools that can help youth cope through difficult times.


Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth in Schools (March 2021)

In this series, experts from GLSEN provide (1) an overview of the school experiences of LGBTQ+ secondary school students and (2) an overview of practices and policies that can improve the school experiences of LGBTQ+ students. The intended audience for this series is all school personnel, including but not limited to educators, administrators, providers and staff.

Part I: Understanding the School Experiences of LGBTQ+ Students (March 2021)

This webinar provides an overview of the school experiences of LGBTQ+ students. As a starting point, the speakers from the Gay, Lesbian, & Straight Education Network (GLSEN) provide basic terminology that is relevant to LGBTQ+ youth, such as the differences between gender identity and sexual orientation. Next, an overview of research on LGBTQ+ students' school experiences nationally and in the Southeast is presented, including hostile school climate indicators. Finally, LGBTQ+ youth from GLSEN's National School Council speak about their school experiences and the challenges they face.

Part II: Improving the School Experiences of LGBTQ+ Students (March 2021)

This webinar provides an overview of practices and policies that can improve the school experiences of LGBTQ+ students. The Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN) Director of Public Policy, Aaron Ridings, discussed policies that support LGBTQ+ youth in schools. GLSEN Senior Manager of Youth Programs, a.t. furuya, discussed school practices that address the needs of LGBTQ+ students. LGBTQ+ Youth Speakers from the GLSEN National School Council spoke about how these school changes and supports would benefit them.


The Southeast MHTTC created a comprehensive product catalogue of the resources and information they have published. Click here to view the full product catalogue. Additionally, these products are presented on the following pages of our website:


Key Resources

Comprehensive School Mental Health Systems: Foundations

Mental Health Services and Supports in Schools

Funding, Sustainability, and Impact

Diverse Populations, Equity, and Inclusion


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