Original Broadcast Date: 11/30/20
Join Pacific Southwest MHTTC Associate Director Heliana Ramirez, PhD, LISW for an interactive discussion about virtual and socially distanced resources for mood management over the 2020 holiday season. Learn about apps, virtual support groups, curated videos about resilience in diverse communities, and the presenter's own “secret sauce” for managing the ups and downs of the 2020 holiday season.
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Heliana Ramirez, PhD, LISW, is a licensed clinical social worker with over 20 years of experience and Associate Director of the Pacific Southwest MHTTC. Dr. Ramirez has addressed a variety of clinical issues through individual and group interventions including suicide prevention and postvention, Veteran post-deployment health, psychosocial rehabilitation, LGBTQ minority stress and resilience, trauma-informed care with combat Veterans and survivors of sexual assault, HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C prevention, and substance abuse harm reduction efforts. Dr. Ramirez’s suicide prevention work with clients includes suicide assessments, developing Safety Plans, crisis intervention, and processing the impacts of suicide attempts through suicide post-ventions following hospitalization. Dr. Ramirez organized the nation’s first multi-state LGBT Veteran Suicide Prevention Conference and produced a documentary about trauma and recovery among LGBT Veterans that addresses suicide from a strengths based and culturally-specific perspective (www.camouflagecloset.com).