Key Elements of Recovery and Recovery-Oriented Services

Key Elements of Recovery and Recovery-Oriented Services

September is known as Suicide and Mental Health Recovery Month and to highlight these important mental health topics, the Northeast and Caribbean Mental Health Technology Transfer Center invite you to their webinar, Key Elements of Recovery-Oriented Services.

Recovery from mental illness has been studied and written about by theorists around the world. It has been described as both a process and an outcome. This webinar will introduce key concepts of recovery, including its relationship to wellness and other important goals individuals with mental health conditions strive to attain. We will review the types of services and practices that providers and agencies can employ to promote environments that support recovery. Finally, we will identify remote strategies that providers can apply to facilitate recovery goals in a socially distanced environment amid the current pandemic.


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Webinar objectives:

  • Describe the key elements of recovery from serious mental illness
  • Identify the services and practices that support recovery
  • Apply recovery principles during social distancing



Joni Dolce, MS, CRC, CPRP, is an assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Counseling Professions in the Department of Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Counseling Professions at Rutgers, School of Health Professions. Joni has several years of experience working in behavioral healthcare settings, namely supported employment. Joni teaches courses in the AS and BS in Psychiatric Rehabilitation programs as well as providing training and technical assistance to behavioral healthcare providers. Her research interests include staff training and employment services. She presents nationally on the topic of employment services and is listed as a Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) recommended speaker on the topic of creating workplaces that support mental health.

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