Rooting Young Adult Mental Health Services in Culturally Sustaining Values & Practices; Session 1 Recording

This is a recording of Session 1, entitled, Trauma-Informed Care Meets Healing-Centered Care in the series, "Rooting Young Adult Mental Health Services in Culturally Sustaining Values & Practices".

The program centered services and supports for youth and young adults of transition age. Co-facilitated by the Pacific Southwest MHTTC’s Youth & Young Adult Program Team Lead, Oriana Ides, and Falilah Bilal, this four-part series offered a forum for dialogue to deepen practitioner’s ability to provide healing care to transitional-aged young people who access mental health and community-based services in Region 9 and beyond.

Through generative conversation, expert panel discussions, active learning experiences, and the exploration of tangible action steps, the co-facilitators expanded the existing orientation to the work providers do with transitional aged youth to encompass a more culturally sustaining and affirming approach.

This second session in the series asked: How might we create safe and brave spaces to uplift the wisdom and leadership of historically targeted identities in healing work?

Viewers of this video may benefit from the following learning objectives:

  • How to create brave and safe spaces for young people who are historically oppressed
  • Teaching advocacy to young people to ensure they know their rights and how to heal through oppression
  • Incorporate ways to implement healing-centered care within the workplace to work against oppression
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