SMART Center 2021 Virtual Speaker Series with Rhonda Nese with Q&A

Rhonda SMART Prep Series Title Screen

Dr. Rhonda Nese: "Developing an Instructional Alternative to Exclusionary Discipline Practices" with Q&A

December 2nd, 2020 
8:30 - 9:45 AM (Pacific Standard Time)

In this session, the presenter will discuss the negative impact of exclusionary discipline practices on students’ social, emotional, and academic outcomes, as well as alternative strategies to use in lieu of punitive responses.  The presenter will also introduce a preventative model for responding to student behaviors that holds promise for improving student-teacher relationships and skills, and reducing subsequent removals from instruction.


  • Participants will learn about the negative impact of exclusionary discipline practices
  • Participants will learn about preventative approaches and alternatives to exclusionary discipline practices


This recording is part of the UW SMART Center's 2021 Virtual Speaker Series. Learn more and register for upcoming events in the series here

About The Speaker:

Dr. Rhonda Nese, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Special Education and Clinical Sciences at the University of Oregon. Dr. Nese currently serves as the Principal Investigator of an IES grant to refine and test an intervention to reduce exclusionary discipline practices, improve student behavior and student-teacher relationships, and increase instructional me for students in secondary settings, and Co-Principal Investigator on threeRhonda Nese additional IES grants to identify factors that predict implementation and sustainability of evidence-based practices, to develop technology to improve online learning for educators, and to develop and validate an automated scoring system for oral reading fluency. Dr. Nese also provides technical assistance to state, district, and school-level teams across the nation on preventative practices, including addressing implicit bias in school discipline, effective classroom behavior management strategies, bullying prevention, and alternatives to exclusionary discipline practices through the OSEP-funded National TA-Center on PBIS. Dr. Nese’s research involves intervention delivery within a multi-tiered behavior support framework focused on preventative strategies for improving student outcomes.

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