Motivational Interviewing and Vaccine Reluctance

The Great Lakes MHTTC offers this training for behavioral health providers in HHS Region 5: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, and WI.  This training is offered in response to a need identified by Region 5 stakeholders.


This class looks at the dynamics of conversations where there is ambivalence and reluctance about vaccines. In these conversations it is easy to play the role of the expert and tell the person what they need to do to improve their situation. The problem is that this usually provokes resistance in the ambivalent person, and as they voice the reasons not to change, it reduces the likelihood of behavior change. This class presents an alternative guiding style for these conversations using Miller and Rollnick’s “OARS” skills.



  • Explore the difference between a guiding style and a confrontational one
  • Identify how using a guiding style helps explore ambivalence about vaccines
  • Identify and practice:
    • open questions
    • affirmations
    • reflections
    • summaries




Russ TurnerRuss Turner, MA, MS is the Director of the People Incorporated Training Institute. During his 14-year tenure he has developed and taught a curriculum of training classes and workshops in a wide variety of subjects related to behavioral health from crisis de-escalation to motivational interviewing. His audience includes mental health professionals, social workers, case managers, addiction professionals, law enforcement, healthcare professionals, and organizational leaders. He trains trainers, works with management, and has consulted and coached on numerous mental health related training projects. He has worked as a teacher or trainer for over 25 years in a variety of countries and settings including Japan, the Czech Republic and the UK. His teaching philosophy is that adults learn best when they are challenged, the material is applicable to work situations, and sessions are interactive and engaging.

Continuing Education

  • 2 CEUs, MN Board of Social Work

This training is offered in partnership with The Training Institute, People Incorporated Mental Health Services.

People Inc


Starts: Jul 22, 2021 8:45 am
Ends: Jul 22, 2021 11:00 am
Event Type
Webinar/Virtual Training
Hosted by
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