Learning Collaborative #3: Ask the Experts About Sustainability

The Great Lakes MHTTC is offering this training for individuals working in HHS Region 5: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI. This training is being provided in response to a need identified by Region 5 stakeholders.




Join the third Learning Collaborative: Ask the Expert Event focused on previous webinars in the Sustainability Stage of the Trauma-Informed/Resiliency Series. This 14-Part workshop series was developed for leaders and organizations interested in cultivating and sustaining a trauma-informed culture. Each Learning Collaborative in the Trauma-Informed Series is a live interactive format that allows participants to ask specific questions and engage in a lively discussion. Trauma-Informed Early Adopter, Chuck Price will answer questions, share in-depth information, and tips & tricks to enable participants to gain new insights into the Trauma-Informed approach.




Registrants who fully attend this event or training will receive a certificate of attendance. Certificates are disseminated via email to all qualifying individuals approximately two weeks after the conclusion of the event or training. 




Chuck Price

Chuck Price, MS


Although many consultants strive to create trauma-informed environments and guide leaders through culture change, very few have successfully led their organizations through this process. Bonafide experience is what sets Chuck Price and Blue Collar Consulting apart from the others. This experience, along with Chuck’s easy manner and ability to form authentic relationships, make Chuck a natural fit to help support you as you lead your agency’s transformation process. Chuck has filled leadership roles in several counties and private agencies throughout his 27-years working in child welfare and health and human services. Chuck’s career has been dedicated to making drastic improvements in the lives of children and families. He has been brave and selfless in his pursuit of excellence, often pioneering pathways not yet traveled by his peers. He has served in leadership roles within public and private agencies, in both urban and rural settings. All of this has provided him with a diverse perspective and the ability to quickly understand and relate to challenges faced by leaders.


As a DHHS Director, Chuck led his department on a successful and transformational journey from traditional compliance-based practice to becoming a legitimate trauma-informed agency. As a result of his work recruitment, retention, agency health, and case outcomes dramatically improved. Under his leadership, overall numbers of children living in congregate care were significantly reduced, and at one point even dropped to zero! Chuck's results and process gained recognition across the state, the country, and internationally.


Chuck started Blue Collar Consulting to broaden the impact of lessons learned so you don’t have to start at the beginning. His passion is to help support brave leaders in their professional growth and development, and to use his real-world experience to assist organizations in their trauma-informed cultural transformations. He also has a sweet spot for his two dogs, Brewer and Uecker, which might give away his other passion…Milwaukee Brewers baseball! Chuck lives in Central Wisconsin with his wife of 27 years. As a new member of the empty-nester club, he is free to travel, connect, and lead your transformational work, no matter where you are on your journey, or the map.

Starts: Sep 2, 2022 9:00 am
Ends: Sep 2, 2022 10:30 am
Event Type
Webinar/Virtual Training
Hosted by
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