Home > Alcohol is STILL a Drug: An Exploratory Webinar Series
Alcohol is STILL a drug. The opioid crisis, increase in stimulant misuse, and cannabis legalization dominate the news— yet alcohol remains the number one substance causing health, social, legal and financial problems throughout the US. While this series will focus on the hopefulness of recovery from alcohol use disorder, we’ll also take a deep dive into what we know about the full impact of alcohol overuse and the ways it affects every person in the US.
REGISTER HERE to join us for the live sessions taking place on the first Tuesday of the month from September 2021 – August 2022 (skipping January and July), 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM Central.
Each session will feature a new expert presenter.
Alcohol is STILL a Drug Transcript (Sept. 7, 2021).pdf