Compassion Fatigue and Burnout

Burnout is a general term that describes the chronic and cumulative effect of different stresses at work and how it negatively impacts the worker’s health and wellbeing. If unaddressed, the various stresses of Human Services work contribute to an erosion of compassion and empathy which reduces a worker’s effectiveness in helping others, rendering the worker ineffective and lacking confidence. This class builds awareness of the signs and stages of Compassion Fatigue and Burnout and offers strategies for cultivating compassion satisfaction for the individual and in team dynamics.



  • Recognize warning signs of burnout and compassion fatigue
  • Review of the “why” of caregiver work
  • Assess current potential for compassion satisfaction
  • Introduce strategies for reducing burnout in an individual and team



Registrants who fully attend this training will be eligible to receive 2 continuing education (CE) hours certified by the Minnesota Board of Social Work and MN Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy. CE certificates are provided by People Incorporated Training Institute.



Raymond Young

Raymond Young, CPS, BA, has 15 years of experience training diverse groups of adult, youth, and adolescent learners prior to joining the Training Institute at People Incorporated Mental Health Services. He has trained mental health workers, police officers, transportation professionals, business partners, and clients. Ray received his certification as a Certified Peer Specialist from the Minnesota Department of Human Services in 2017 and has since worked with individuals with various mental health conditions and behavioral health concerns. He has also studied Drug and Alcohol Counseling. Ray has a passion for working with youth in Youth Leadership Programs and as a mentor in the community.


This training is provided by our valued partners at the People Incorporated Training Institute.

Training Institute


The Great Lakes MHTTC is offering this training for individuals working in HHS Region 5: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI. This training is being provided in response to a need identified by Region 5 stakeholders.

Starts: Sep 25, 2024 9:45 am
Ends: Sep 25, 2024 12:00 pm
Event Type
Webinar/Virtual Training
Hosted by
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