Farm Stress: Addressing the Mental Health Needs of Indiana Farmers

The webinar will focus on the issues faced in our rural communities from a mental health standpoint. Different tools and programs we are currently using to help educate our rural communities and the farm population will be explored. We will discuss how from a mental health standpoint, when dealing with the rural communities, it must be handled differently than those who live in the suburban or city areas. We will discuss the importance of why we must start the conversation now before it is too late and do our part to help ensure we have a strong viable population to continue agriculture for years to come.



  • Identify the difference in how you talk to or work with those from rural communities versus non-rural communities.
  • Emphasize the importance of why we must focus on showing the importance of beginning the hard conversations now, especially with a culture of individuals who don’t talk or discuss their issues.
  • Discuss why suicide is an issue along with mental health for our farm communities and identify the stressors that accompany the farming industry.
  • Raise awareness of the need for professionals to understand how those in the farming community work so they can better understand them but be able to make the greatest impact.
  • Explore why we must focus on mental health for our farming and rural communities and how that correlates to the decrease in younger generations being resistant to entering farming as a career.



Registrants who fully attend this event or training will receive a certificate of attendance via email within two weeks after the event or training.



Adam Tyler, MA, 4-H and Ag & Natural Resources Extension Educator and County Extension Director, Purdue Extension - Fountain County

Adam Tyler has been involved in various aspects of agriculture throughout his life. He is currently serving as the County Extension Director, 4-H and Agriculture & Natural Resources Educator in Fountain County Indiana with Purdue University Extension which he has been with since 2019. Prior to coming to Purdue, Adam was a middle and high school agriculture teacher, taught advanced life sciences, and was lead FFA advisor for 7 years. Adam also completed his school administration masters and licensure during this time while teaching. Throughout his life he has had family and friends affected by mental health issues, and when he was in education, he saw firsthand the impact that mental health had on rural communities which led him to gain as much education and understanding of mental health along with taking every opportunity to assist those going through this topic we tend to ignore. Adam became involved with the Purdue Farm Stress Team shortly after joining Purdue Extension, and he is grateful for this opportunity which allows him to help and bring awareness of mental health issues affecting our rural communities and populations.


The Great Lakes MHTTC is offering this training for individuals working in HHS Region 5: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI. This training is being provided in response to a need identified by Region 5 stakeholders.

Starts: Apr 26, 2024 1:00 pm
Ends: Apr 26, 2024 2:30 pm
Event Type
Webinar/Virtual Training
Hosted by
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