MHTTC Crisis Intervention and Management Resources

MHTTC Crisis Intervention and Management Resources

988 - National Helpline for Mental Health Emergencies

Original broadcast date: 05/11/21 A national three-digit 988 behavioral health and suicide prevention crisis hotline is probably the most significant public policy initiative impacting behavioral healthcare since Medicaid expansion. Behavioral health crisis services have never had a moment like this, where the policy forces are aligning at federal state and local levels and are driving positive change.  The implementation of 988 provides us with the opportunity to build-out and finance a statewide behavioral health crisis response system that is on par with the 911 emergency medical management system.    There are many questions that this webinar addresses as an initial forum to learn about best practices to apply to 988 crisis response system optimization. Increasing our collective knowledge is best achieved by engaging with subject-matter experts, rather than expending time, energy, or other resources extracting or researching for answers in disconnected and fragmented ways. Session outcomes include new learning and insights to more effectively respond to a rapid 988 implementation trajectory.  Participants find that the content and interchange of this session is both pragmatic and enriching.

988 in Washington State: Sharing the Journey | Recorded Webinar

ABOUT THIS RESOURCE This is a recording of the webinar held on December 20, 2022. The webinar discusses efforts in Washington State to support implementation of the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline as well as the first Native and Strong Lifeline in the country. Washington State Representative Tina Orwall describes passing legislation to improve the state’s suicide and behavioral health crisis response system implementing 988, which is strengthening Washington’s behavioral health crisis system. She discusses what is currently in progress as well a continuing vision to strengthen the crisis response system in Washington State, and across the country. Presenters Vicki Lowe (American Indian Health Commission for Washington State), Lucilla Mendoza (WA Health Care Authority) and Rochelle Williams (Volunteers of America Western Washington) describe the recently launched Native and Strong Lifeline which is the Nation's first crisis line dedicated to serving American Indian and Alaska Native communities and is staffed by Native crisis counselors.   ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Rep. Tina Orwall's presentation slides Vicki Lowe's presentation slides Rochelle Williams' presentation slides 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline Native and Strong Website Native and Strong Lifeline Flyer Volunteers of America Western Washington Tribal Services Washington State Department of Health 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Webpage 988 Crisis Jam Learning Community American Indian Health Commission of Washington State Tribal Nations Maps Article: House passes Orwall’s 988 lifeline for suicide prevention and crisis response Article: Nation’s first Native and Strong Lifeline Launches as Part of 988 Article: Washington State’s 988 Legislation Includes a 988 Tribal Crisis Line Video: Embedding Equity into 988 Video: 988 Crisis Jam Learning Community on the Native and Strong Lifeline   Related Resources from the MHTTC Network 988 Special Edition Newsletter from the Northwest MHTTC Document: A Guide to 988: America's Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Crisis Lifeline Recorded Webinar: 988 National Crisis Number - A Tribal Outreach Approach Recorded Webinar: 988 Suicide and Crisis Care Transformation   SPEAKERS Tina Orwall, MSW Washington State Representative, 33rd District Tina has represented the 33rd district since 2009. Tina has worked with all levels of government to help embrace best practices to better serve the community. Her 20 years of experience working in the public mental health system, as well as her expertise in strategic planning in workforce development and affordable housing have established her as a valued legislator and community leader. See her full bio.     Lucilla Mendoza, MSW, CPP Lucilla works with the Washington State Health Care Authority as a Tribal Behavioral Health Administrator in Tribal Affairs, which provides support and communication with tribes and tribal-related organizations for American Indian and Alaska Native health care. Lucilla is involved in a myriad of Tribal activities, meetings and collaborations with organizations like Volunteers of America Western Washington, the Tribal Centric Behavioral Health Advisory Board, the American Indian Health Commission, the Washington State Department of Health, the Tribal 988 Crisis Response Improvement Strategy Subcommittee, the Washington Monthly Tribal Meeting, and the American Indian and Alaska Native Opioid Response Workgroup.   Vicki Lowe Vicki Lowe, Executive Director of the American Indian Health Commission for Washington State (AIHC) since July 2015, is a Jamestown S’Klallam descendant. She has also worked in the Health Department of the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe since December of 1996. Through their Purchased and Referred Care (PRC) Program, the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe purchased insurance for their Tribal Members without access to any other coverage since 1995. Ms. Lowe has seen this program through many changes in the private insurance world as well as Medicare and Medicaid.  She participated on the Basic Health Sponsorship Workgroup, negotiated a Tribal Member only plan with a commercial carrier, initiated contracting with commercial carriers at the Jamestown Family Health Clinic, participated in the creation and implementation of the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe Employee Plan, a self-funded plan, worked with Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe’s newly created Human Resources Department to review and update benefits for the employee’s plans - benefits including Life, AD&D and LTD, Long Term Care Coverage, Self-Funded Worker’s Compensation and Wellness benefits. She also worked on implementation of the Indian provisions of the Affordable Care Act into the Employee Benefits and PRC programs.    Rochelle Williams, MS Rochelle is the Tribal Operations Manager with Volunteers of America Western Washington. She is an enrolled member of the Ehattesaht First Nation and a descendant of the Tulalip Tribes. Rochelle helps run the recently-launched 988 Native and Strong Lifeline as well as the Washington Indian Behavioral Health Hub, a central resource point for those affiliated with the Native American and Alaska Native Communities.     Terms of use and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) disclosure statement

A Guide to 988: America's Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Crisis Lifeline

About this Resource:      The main purpose of the 988 number is to simplify access to suicide prevention services and mental health crisis counselors. To achieve this legislation was introduced in 2020 to create a nation-wide three-digit number (988) that will be routed through the existing National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. 988 will be available across the country by July 16, 2022.       By creating a mental health crisis number, law enforcement’s involvement in mental health crises may be reduced. This shift in mental health crisis response has the potential to break the cycle of ER visits, involvement in the criminal justice system, and experiences with homelessness, which disproportionately affect historically marginalized communities. This guide highlights benefits of 988, reviews key pieces of the federal legislation, and describes state-level efforts.        

Addressing Suicidality When Crisis Shows Up in Practice; HHS Region 8

  Addressing Suicidality When Crisis Shows Up in Practice; HHS Region 8 Access slide deck with the green download link above Recording coming soon   Whether you have been practicing for ten months, or ten years, providing responsive and client-centered care for individuals who are in crisis and experiencing suicidal thoughts can present unique challenges for any clinician. During this three-hour training, Dr. Mita Johnson provided a detailed review of ways to support your client and yourself when suicidality and crisis show up in your practice.    Learning Objectives:   Review current evidence-based clinical practices that support interventions for people experiencing suicidal ideation.  Learn strategies for self-regulation when caring for a client in crisis.  Explore ways to maintain a therapeutic connection with a client in crisis.  Practice de-escalation strategies to support clients in crisis.    Trainer  Mita Johnson, Ed.D., NCC, LPC, LMFT, LAC, MAC, SAP, ACS, MFT-S, BCTP-II Dr. Mita M. Johnson has been practicing in the world of counseling, and addictions counseling, for the past 30 years. Dr. Johnson has extensive experience as an addiction counselor and brings that expertise and leadership in advancing ethical practice. She is the President of NAADAC and is a member of the Executive Committee. Her academic background includes an Ed.D in counselor education and supervision. Dr. Johnson is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Masters Addiction Counselor, and Substance Abuse Professional.

Assessing for Risk of Suicide

Suicide is a significant public health concern with suicide rates increasing over 30% in the past 10 years. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among people ages 10 to 34, the fourth among people ages 34-54, the fifth for people ages 45-54, and the tenth leading cause of death overall ( While these statistics are alarming, it’s important to remember there are factors that can protect against suicide and steps that can be taken to intervene and provide support. This guide provides the basics for assessing for risk of suicide.

Behavioral Health Crisis Response Systems Live Webinar Series: Creating and Sustaining High Quality Crisis Services: Lessons from Arizona

Arizona has spent the past several decades developing a crisis system that is widely regarded as one of the most advanced in the nation. In this model, a robust continuum of services work together in concert to provide high-quality care in the least-restrictive setting that can safely meet the person’s needs while also ensuring fiscal sustainability and responsible stewardship of community resources. This webinar describes key features of the Arizona model including: overview of the crisis continuum; governance, financing, and accountability; examples of collaboration with law enforcement and other community partners; and strategies for using data to drive continuous system improvement.   Slides available for download here. References cited in this presentation are available here. About the Presenter Margie Balfour, MD, PhD A psychiatrist and national leader in quality improvement and behavioral health crisis services, Dr. Margie Balfour is the Chief of Quality and Clinical Innovation at Connections Health Solutions, which provides access to mental health and substance use care throughout Arizona, and an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Arizona. Dr. Balfour was named the Doctor of the Year by the National Council for Behavioral Health for her work at the Crisis Response Center in Tucson. She was awarded the Tucson Police Department’s medal of honor for her efforts to help law enforcement better serve the mentally ill population. She serves on the board of directors of the American Association of Community Psychiatrists, The American Association for Emergency Psychiatry, and NAMI Southern Arizona. She earned her MD and PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Cincinnati, and completed her residency and fellowship in Public Psychiatry at the University of Texas.  

Behavioral Health Crisis Response Systems Live Webinar Series: Designing and Implementing Ideal Behavioral Health Crisis Systems

Communities are increasingly recognizing that people in behavioral health crisis have diverse and complex needs, and that simply creating a single crisis response program does not meet those needs successfully. Further, it is clear that lack of effective crisis response is likely to lead to inappropriate arrests and incarceration, ER boarding, increased suicide rates, and - most tragically - painful challenges for individuals and families attempting to get help. For that reason, in the past few years, the national conversation has turned to looking at the need for comprehensive and effective BH crisis systems to serve the needs of communities (of all types) across the nation. Such systems should be viewed as Essential Community Services (like EMS and fire) that are responsive to everyone and "owned" and accountable to the community as a whole.  The Group for Advancement of Psychiatry Committee on Psychiatry and the Community (Dr. Minkoff is co-chair, and Dr. Flaum and Balfour are among the members) has worked for the past four years to put together a nearly completed documented outlining in detail the essential elements and measurable criteria for such a system, and steps for any community to make progress in achieving it. This presentation illustrates the major components of such a system, including Accountability and Funding; Comprehensive Array of Components; and Essential Best Practices.  Slides available for download here. References cited in this presentation are available here. About the Presenter Ken Minkoff, MD Dr. Minkoff, a board-certified addiction psychiatrist, has been recognized as one of the most preeminent experts on integrated services and systems for individuals with co-occurring serious mental illnesses and substance use disorders. For over 40 years, he has worked to develop services and systems to best meet the needs of individuals, families, and populations with the greatest challenges. Dr. Minkoff has been involved in service provision, management, and consultation in almost every area of behavioral health. He serves on the Interdepartmental Serious Mental Illness Coordinating Committee, created by the 21st Century CURES Act to bring multiple federal departments together to create a transformed system of care for individuals and families addressing serious mental illness and serious emotional disturbance. Dr. Minkoff is co-chair of the Committee on Psychiatry and the Community for Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry, which is developing the Ideal Crisis System materials discussed in this presentation.  He and his consulting partner Dr. Christie A. Cline, MD, MBA, are currently providing consultation to communities interested in developing BH crisis systems and services. Dr. Minkoff is active in influencing policy and practice on a national and state level.

Behavioral Health Crisis Response Systems Live Webinar Series: Implementing New Crisis Services: The View from the Ground Up

This presentation describes the real-world experience of one community in a rural state (Iowa) in enhancing their crisis services.  It is meant to complement the two prior webinars in this series, the first of which described a large and relatively resource-rich crisis system that has been up and running for some time, and the second describing what an “ideal crisis system” might look like.  This webinar is a case study of one community’s process of expanding their crisis services, highlighting some of the successes and how those were navigated, as well as some ongoing challenges. Slides available for download here. About the Presenter Michael Flaum, MD Michael Flaum, MD, Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, is the author or co-author of more than 100 publications, mostly reflecting his collaborative clinical research in schizophrenia in the 1990s. In 1999, he assumed the directorship of the Iowa Consortium for Mental Health, which aimed to harness the academic resources of Iowa’s universities to benefit the state’s public mental health system. His work since then has focused on efforts to optimize the quality, effectiveness and access to psychiatric services within publicly funded settings in a recovery-oriented manner. He currently serves as president of the American Association for Community Psychiatry.

Best and Promising Practices Fact Sheet: Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC) for First Episode Psychosis

Behavioral health practitioners and organizations are often required to determine whether a particular intervention meets the needs of their clients, staff, and/or funders. The Best and Promising Practice (BPP) Fact Sheet Library, developed by the MHTTC Network, is designed to provide the mental health workforce with information about a wide array of evidence-based and promising approaches. Each fact sheet in the library summarizes a specific behavioral health practice, its evidence base, and steps for successful implementation.  In this sheet, we provide an overview of the principles and practice of Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC) for First Episode Psychosis. 

Best Practices and Helpful Considerations for Responding to Traumatic Stress in Schools for School Staff; HHS Region 8

  Best Practices and Helpful Considerations for Responding to Traumatic Stress in Schools for School Staff; HHS Region 8 Access slide deck with green download button above Click here to watch the recording   Trauma can result in immediate emotional and behavioral concerns, adversely impacting both staff and student mental health and the learning environment. The pandemic has added to these stress responses, with traumatic stressors including loss of loved ones, familial financial losses, isolation, loss of stability, perception of danger, and fear of the unknown. This training addressed the adverse impact of traumatic stress on staff, including best practices and helpful considerations for use when responding to traumatic stress in schools. This training is for administrators, teachers, and support providers.    After attending this session, participants can expect to:   Increase their knowledge of the impact of traumatic stress.  Identify potential triggers and behaviors signaling traumatic stress.  Learn tips to manage and support behaviors at an individual and school-wide level.    Trainer  Erin Briley, MS, NCSP  Erin Briley is a Technical Trainer for the Mountain Plains MHTTC and works for WICHE’s Behavioral Health Program as a Research and Technical Assistant Associate. Ms. Briley’s primary role with the WICHE Behavioral Health Program involves assisting the creation and implementation of Psychology Internship Consortiums in rural western states and providing training and supports for school behavioral health. Ms. Briley has worked in schools for 20 years, serving primarily as a school psychologist and providing educational and behavioral health support for children ages 3 through 22. Erin earned her Bachelor’s in Human Development and Family Studies at Colorado State University, her Master’s in Counseling/School Psychology, and a Certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis at California State University Los Angeles. She is currently earning her PhD (ABD) in Clinical Psychology.    

C-TLC | Session Two: What will schools be like next year? Visioning for the Future of Education

During this webinar, the authors of Visioning Onward provided inspiration, insights, exercises, and Q&A to prepare you to vision with your schools and districts. In this time of COVID-19, visioning is a critical part of planning for our future. We learned about visioning by examining the work of Starbucks, Amazon, and other corporate giants. Participants received a study guide to take our virtual approach back to your schools and districts to conduct your own visioning sessions. They guided you through our 8-step iterative visioning approach, explaining the importance of visioning for success in business and in education, and helping you plan for visioning with your staff and local communities. We did this with an eye towards the neurobiology of trauma and ways to foster self-care and the well-being of staff and students that are signature components of CEI’s Heart Centered Learning® approach to social emotional learning and mindfulness. To download a copy of this presentation, click here. Presenter (s): Chris Mason, Ph.D., Paul Liabenow, & Melissa Patschke, Ed.D.

Chat Box Resources

The 2022 South Southwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) First Episode Psychosis (FEP) Conference occurred from June 1st to June 3rd 2022 in a hybrid format, with approximately 150 in-person participants in Austin, TX, and 300 virtual participants. Conference attendees in the virtual format shared a number of resources in the chat box throughout the conference. The South Southwest MHTTC aggregated the following list of resources from comments from the chat box. Please note that the resources were recommended specifically by conference attendees and speakers and not by the South Southwest MHTTC. Please find the list of resources below:     Psychosis: Recovery and Discovery by Dr. Eleanor Longden:   Power Threat Meaning Framework   At the Intersections of Psychosis and Marginalization by Mx. Yaffa: Killing Rage by Bell Hooks My Gender is Black Article Black on Both Sides Histories of the Transgender Child Understanding Drapetomania   Family Member/Support Person Engagement During Care for FEP: Challenges and Strategies to Move Forward by Dr. Oladunni Olouwoye Cultural Formulation Interview   College Life with Psychosis: The Student Lived Experience Perspective by Students with Psychosis: DBT Workbook for Psychosis by Maggie Mullen 

Clinical Depression and COVID-19: Expanding on Mental Health Promotion

Mental health professionals are bracing for what may be an epidemic of clinical depression related to COVID-19. In this webinar, Dr. Jonathan Kanter will: 1. Review the science on risk factors for depression that cause this grave warning, 2. Share the latest information on how individuals are responding to the current crisis, and 3. Propose best practices for depression prevention and treatment moving forward. Although actual rates of future depression are hard to predict, organizations will need innovative and scalable solutions, given that our mental health services delivery systems are underpowered to meet demands before this crisis. The presentation will highlight online strategies that include disseminating evidence-based mental health tips, identifying and targeting risk groups, and conducting stepped-care treatment groups, stepping to individual treatment as needed.   Presenter  Dr. Jonathan Kanter is Director of the University of Washington’s Center for the Science of Social Connection. Over the course of his career, Dr. Kanter has investigated psychosocial interventions for depression, including how to disseminate culturally appropriate, easy-to-train, evidence-based approaches, with emphasis on evidence-based treatments such as Behavioral Activation for groups who lack resources and access to care. More recently, the Center has produced research on how to improve relationships and social connectedness and on relational processes that predict relational well-being and quality of life. Dr. Kanter has published over 100 scientific papers and 9 books on these topics and his work has been funded by NIH, SAMHSA, state governmental organizations, foundations, and private donors. He is regularly invited to give talks and workshops nationally and internationally. When the COVID-19 crisis hit Seattle, the Center pivoted its resources to understand and mitigate the relational and mental health consequences of the crisis, to assist with public health efforts, and to inform the public dialogue with scientifically informed advice. Dr. Kanter has been asked to comment on the relational and mental health consequences of the crisis by, and the Center’s response to the crisis has been featured on, NPR, the BBC, the New York Times, the Huffington Post, National Geographic, and other local and national news outlets. PPT_ClinicalDepressionandCOVID19_Kanter_6.11.20 Transcript_ClinicalDepressionandCOVID19_Kanter_6.11.20

Compassion Fatigue: Managing During Troubling Times

Covid-19 has impacted many lives globally. With this drastic and sudden change in our world, caregivers in all areas are more likely to experience compassion fatigue. Many workers have been pushed to the limit as they seek to adjust to a “new normal.” This presentation defines and identifies the signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue while also offering suggestions in avoiding and/or overcoming compassion fatigue. Our presenter further discusses healthy self-care activities while also developing boundaries and balance between work and home life. Click here to view our accompanying Compassion Fatigue Fact Sheet. 

Competencies for Peer Support Workers in Crisis Services

Peer support workers are increasingly serving in roles within the crisis care continuum. With 988 roll-out, states working in integrate peer support services within crisis care call centers, mobile crisis response teams, and crisis stabilization units. Peer support workers strengthen engagement and improve outcomes for people experiencing a crisis. Peer support workers provide crisis prevention services and post-crisis services like peer navigation and community support, essential for people who recently experienced crisis.   In this 60-minute webinar, participants: Learned about how the New England MHTTC worked with partners to learn more about the competencies used by peer support workers in crisis services Discussed workforce preparation needs in crisis services Described organizational structures that support crisis teams that include peer support workers View a recording of this 3/16/23 session here. 

Competencies for Peer Workers on Crisis Triage Teams

This three-hour webinar deep dives into the core competencies previously drafted and shared during the Competencies for Peer Support Workers in Crisis Services webinar hosted in March 2023. The co-facilitators – including a youth peer with recent experience working in the field in a crisis setting - explore each competency and allow participants to apply the competencies in peer crisis work scenarios. We present detailed information about how each competency is applicable in peer crisis work and then use breakout rooms and case studies to prompt discussion on how to utilize a specific competency.    Participants gain knowledge about the complexities of working as a peer in crisis settings and how to maintain the ethical standards of the peer role; gain a detailed understanding of the 5 Core Competencies and how they were developed by the MHTTC team; develop a practical understanding of how the competencies will show up in their work in crisis settings; and learn about practices and tools that can be used to assist with becoming comfortable and skilled in the competencies.   View a recording of this 7/31/23 session here.  

COVID-19 and Mental Health Resources: Hotlines, Helplines, and Support Groups

The Pacific Southwest MHTTC curated a series of topical resource sheets to help you find high-quality tools and information on caring for yourself, your families, and the communities you serve. This resource sheet focuses on phone numbers for crisis hotlines, warmlines, and informational/referral helplines, including lines for specific populations (e.g., first responders, older adults, caregivers). It also includes links to online support groups. Click the "View Resource" link above to download, or view all available resource sheet topics.

Crisis Care Guide: Mental Health Equity in Underserved Populations

About this Resource: As the future of crisis care in the United States is on the cusp of being transformed, it is important to keep under-served and marginalized populations in mind when championing the changes and improvements to those services. This brief guide serves to highlight the unique struggles and barriers that many different marginalized communities experience when trying to access crisis services, and provides a glimpse into the future of crisis care.

Crisis De-escalation 101 Recording

Recording of the webinar titled "Crisis De-escalation 101," originally held on November 13, 2019. Slide presentation

Crisis Line Response: Helping People with Personality Disorders (Part 1)

Crisis Line Response: Helping People with Personality Disorders Recording   DESCRIPTION: A universal experience of crisis call centers is burnout among staff because of seemingly endless, often repetitive interactions with callers who are in distress and suicidal but do not respond to the usual suggestions of self-care or follow-up. An hour-long phone call can leave the worker exhausted and the caller in worse shape than at the beginning of the call. These are callers with personality disorders. They have a different agenda than the crisis worker.    This 1-hour training will provide basic information about personality disorders – specifically borderline personality, dependent personality, and histrionic personality. We will make a distinction between personality related symptoms and symptoms from primary anxiety and depression. We will also talk about the interaction patterns and some interventions that might be useful.     LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Have a good understanding of the most common interactional patterns seen in people with borderline, dependent, and histrionic personality disorders Be able to distinguish personality disorder depression from major depressive disorder Receive guidance in distinguishing an acute suicidal crisis from chronic suicidal behavior Learn how to set realistic goals for a limited interaction with personality disordered callers     SPEAKER: Dr. David Mays, MD, PhD, is a licensed physician in the state of Wisconsin, where he is a clinical adjunct assistant professor in the University of Wisconsin Department of Psychiatry. He is Board Certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and is a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. He is also a member of the Wisconsin Psychiatric AsSsociation. Dr. Mays has received the Distinguished Service Award from the Alliance on Mental Illness in Dane County, the Exemplary Psychiatrist Award from the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the Exceptional Performance Award from the Wisconsin Health and Family Services, the Outstanding Professional Award from the Wisconsin Association on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse, and the Outstanding Mental Health Professional Award from the Wisconsin National Alliance on Mental Illness.      The Great Lakes MHTTC is offering this training for individuals working in HHS Region 5: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI. This training is being provided in response to a need identified by Region 5 stakeholders.

Crisis Line Response: Helping People with Personality Disorders (Part 2)

  RECORDING: Crisis Line Response: Helping People with Personality Disorders (Part 2)   DESCRIPTION:  A universal experience of crisis call centers is burnout among staff because of seemingly endless, often repetitive interactions with callers who are in distress and suicidal but do not respond to the usual suggestions of self-care or follow-up. An hour-long phone call can leave the worker exhausted and the caller in worse shape than at the beginning of the call.    This follow-up 1-hour training will provide additional training in working with people who have personality disorders on a crisis line. This time around we will address some particular issues that were mentioned by participants in the first training. These issues include additional information about histrionic personality disorder, hypothetical examples of calls, suggestions on how to avoid falling into endless conversational loops with callers and finally, good ways to bring a call to a close.    Watch the recording of Crisis Line Response: Helping People with Personality Disorders (Part 1) on the Great Lakes MHTTC website!     LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Be introduced in more depth to histrionic personality disorder and other disorders as requested. Learn about the typical conversational style of various personality disorders. Hear examples of different ways to end a conversation that is no longer therapeutic or productive.     PRESENTER:   David Mays, MD, PhD Dr. David Mays is a licensed physician in the state of Wisconsin, where he is a clinical adjunct assistant professor in the University of Wisconsin Department of Psychiatry. He is Board Certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and is a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. He is also a member of the Wisconsin Psychiatric Association. Dr. Mays has received the Distinguished Service Award from the Alliance on Mental Illness in Dane County, the Exemplary Psychiatrist Award from the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the Exceptional Performance Award from the Wisconsin Health and Family Services, the Outstanding Professional Award from the Wisconsin Association on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse, and the Outstanding Mental Health Professional Award from the Wisconsin National Alliance on Mental Illness.      The Great Lakes MHTTC is offering this training for individuals working in HHS Region 5: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI. This training is being provided in response to a need identified by Region 5 stakeholders.

Crisis Prevention and De-escalation

This module prepares the learner to effectively engage with clients who are experiencing a crisis. Participants will learn to: Recognize risk and early warning signs of crisis Use positive behavior supports to prevent crisis and promote health and safety Use appropriate and approved intervention approaches to resolve a crisis through the use of de-escalation techniques Seek help from other staff or services when needed during and after a crisis and knows de-escalation techniques Monitor situations and communicate with the client and his or her family and support team to reduce risk Report incidents according to policies and procedures See own potential role within a conflict or crisis and changes behavior to minimize conflict Create an individualized crisis prevention plan per agency policy and procedures Learn more about HealtheKnowledge here: HealtheKnowledge Courses Learn more about the full series here: New Employees in Mental Health Services: A Training Series Produced by: Thresholds

Crisis Readiness, Response, and Recovery Webinar Series #2: Supporting Grieving Students During a Pandemic

Original Webinar Date: 05/28/2020 This is the second in a three-part webinar series. (Part One, Part Three)   Bereavement outside the context of a crisis is common – the vast majority of children experience the death of a close family member or friend. These deaths have a significant and often long-term impact on learning, social and emotional development, behavior, and adjustment. This presentation provides practical suggestions on how schools can talk with and support grieving children in general. The current pandemic is associated with a large and growing number of deaths. Physical distancing, including lengthy school closures, makes it difficult for schools to provide support to grieving students using traditional means. This presentation also highlights the unique challenges for supporting students during the pandemic and describe free resources from the Coalition to Support Grieving Students that can be used to address these challenges.   By participating in the session, participants will be able to: Explain death to a young child Advise educators on what not to say and how to initiate conversations Feel comfortable supporting a student of a different cultural background Describe ambiguous loss and understand how knowledge of grief applies to loss other than bereavement, including during the current pandemic Recommend accommodations for grieving students, which is also relevant for students adjusting to the pandemic or other traumatic experiences Understand secondary losses and the impact they have on grieving students Anticipate and address grief triggers in school settings

Crisis Readiness, Response, and Recovery Webinar Series: When school starts back: Helping students, staff, and yourself cope with crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic

Original Date: 8/4/20   This is the third in a three-part webinar series. (Part One, Part Two) This session summarizes the principles of psychological first aid and common reactions that may be seen in any crisis event, including the current pandemic.  It provides practical advice on how to help students and staff understand and cope with the current pandemic and prepares us for what may be needed to offer support to students when schools re-open.  The session underscores the need for professional self-care and highlights some of the barriers as well as some potential solutions.  Together, we consider how best to support students, staff, and ourselves during this evolving pandemic.   Intended audience: educators; school mental health providers and support professionals (school counselors, nurses, psychologists, and social workers); school administrators; and community-based medical and mental health professionals providing support to schools and/or children and families.   About the Presenter: David J. Schonfeld, MD, FAAP, established and directs the National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement (; the Center coordinates the Coalition to Support Grieving Students (, comprised of over 85 organizations including the major educational professional organizations. He holds a joint appointment at the Keck School of Medicine of USC. Schonfeld has authored more than 100 scholarly articles, book chapters, and books (e.g., The Grieving Student: A Teacher’s Guide, Brookes Publishing), and he has given more than 800 presentations on the topics of pediatric bereavement and crisis. He has provided consultation and training on school crisis and pediatric bereavement in the aftermath of a number of school crisis events and disasters within the United States and abroad, including school and community shootings in Newtown, CT, Marysville, WA, Aurora, CO, Chardon, OH, and Townville, SC; flooding from hurricanes Sandy in New York and New Jersey, Katrina in New Orleans, and Ike in Galveston, TX; 2008 earthquake in Sichuan, China; tornadoes in Joplin, MO, and Alabama; and Great Smoky Mountain wildfires in Sevierville, TN. He has also conducted school-based research (funded by NICHD, NIMH, NIDA, the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, William T. Grant Foundation, and other foundations) involving children’s understanding of and adjustment to serious illness and death, as well as school-based interventions to promote adjustment and risk prevention. About the National Center for School Crisis & Bereavement: In 2005, Schonfeld established the NCSCB with funding from the September 11th Children’s Fund and the National Philanthropic Trust. Further funding from the New York Life Foundation has allowed the center to provide ongoing and expanded services. The center aims to promote an appreciation of the role that schools play to support students, staff, and families at times of crisis and loss; to collaborate with organizations and agencies to further this goal; and to serve as a resource for information, training materials, consultation, and technical assistance. 1-877-53-NCSCB (1-877-536-2722) [email protected]

De-Escalation Training Video

The Great Lakes MHTTC in partnership with People Incorporated Mental Health Services of Minnesota is pleased to offer this new training video on de-escalation. The video explains the importance of de-escalation and provides evidence-based de-escalation practices for service providers and mental health professionals. The content of the video was researched, compiled, and recorded by People Incorporated Training Institute.    

De-escalation: How to Approach Volatile Behavior in a Clinical Setting | Recorded Webinar

ABOUT THIS RESOURCE Dr. Nelson will discuss how to diffuse acute emotional reactions in volatile situations to de-escalate potentially dangerous individuals in clinical settings using principles of rapid rapport building. Offered in collaboration with Dr. Lonnie Nelson, Partnerships for Native Health, WSU. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Slides How to De-escalate Anyone with Dr. Christian Conte Find resources from all Technology Transfer Centers Free e-course: Violence Risk Assessment & Management in Community Mental Health Settings 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Institute for Research and Education to Advance Community Health at Washington State University   FACILITATOR Lonnie Nelson, PhD, Clinical Psychologist, Associate Professor, Partnerships for Native Health, Eastern band Cherokee (AniKituwah)  Dr. Lonnie Nelson (descendant of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians) earned his PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Arizona and completed a postdoctoral fellowship in Rehabilitation Psychology at University of Washington's Harborview Medical Center. In 2012, he returned to the field of Native health disparities through the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Career Development Award (K12) at the University of Washington School of Public Health. Dr. Nelson joined the Washington State University College of Nursing in 2015. His work aims to address health disparities experienced by American Indian and Alaska Native communities through multiple avenues. His current research interests focus on the elimination of health disparities in urban dwelling and other Native populations through the application of culturally adapted evidence-based interventions and other patient centered approaches to changing health behaviors, such as indigenized motivational interviewing and harm reduction treatments. Outside of work, he enjoys making and using traditional Native archery gear and spending time with his 7-year-old daughter, Amelia.   Terms of use and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) disclosure statement

Developing Comprehensive and Living Crisis Plans

Attendees learn how to assess their current crisis planning documents, identify areas for growth, and progress monitor changes made to readiness and response efforts throughout the school year. Learn more:

Expect the Unexpected: Preparing for Crises in Schools

Attendees learn the Five R’s for best practices in school crisis response: readiness, response, recovery, review/evaluate, and resources. Attendees identify common barriers to implementation of best practices and ways they can incorporate these vital components into their school’s crisis planning. Learn more:

Family Peer Support: An Emerging Workforce Webinar Flyer

The Family Peer Support: An Emerging Workforce Webinar airing 12-1 p.m. Thursday, August 20, will introduce family peer support as a profession, explore its roles and functions, and highlight specific training needs.   Visit the webinar web page to learn more.  

Family-Led Crisis Planning (June 8, 2021) | Recorded Webinar

ABOUT THIS RESOURCE “Person and Family-Centered Planning” is not just a catchy new phrase in the mental health world for families. During this webinar we will highlight the importance of family members having active participation, and an active role, in the design of their mental health crisis plan. Together we will focus on how the family and youth perspective, lived experience, and culture can guide efficacious holistic crisis planning within all 12 life domains. Learning Objectives Understand mental health crisis planning from the Family Perspective. Distinguish crisis stabilization versus crisis planning. Navigate the paradigm shift from system led crisis planning to consumer led crisis planning. Discuss crisis planning from a holistic view and how all life domains are incorporated. Navigate strategies that assist in creating effective family crisis plans.   FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THIS SERIES. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Our facilitators always make reference to great resources during sessions.  Find their lists below.  Presentation Slides FACILITATOR Shawna Canaga is a Family Support Specialist and the statewide Peer Delivered Services Trainer for Oregon Family Support Network (OFSN). OFSN is a family run organization that promotes mental, behavioral, and emotional wellness for families and youth through education, support, and advocacy. Shawna comes to this position with over a decade of experience supporting youth and families, and with lived experience as a mother of an adult child with complex mental health needs. Throughout both of these journeys Shawna has cultivated a passion for supporting family-driven and person-centered care within the youth and family serving systems.     Terms of use and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) disclosure statement

Financing School-Based Mental Health Services during a State Budget Crisis

Download the slide deck here Today’s economic crisis, driven by the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing measures, poses significant challenges for state budget-makers. This webinar, led by health care financing expert Dr. Adam Wilk, will discuss those challenges in the context of school and school district leaders’ efforts to finance school mental health programs. Leaders must look for opportunities to sustain these programs using new funding (e.g., federal) sources and, when possible, anticipate which previously counted-on funding sources may see the largest cuts.   By the end of the webinar, participants will be able to: 1. Identify new sources of financing for school-based mental health services derived from governmental responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. 2. Discuss the potential implications of state budget crises for school-based mental health financing. 3. Illustrate the importance of state, federal, and local sources for financing school-based mental health services in different states and communities in the Southeast.

Great Lakes Current November‒December 2022

  The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.   The November‒December 2022 issue honors National Impaired Driving Prevention Month (December) by sharing resources and media from SAMHSA's "Talk. They Hear You.®" campaign for underage drinking prevention. This issue also features prevention-focused HealtheKnowledge courses, two new Counselor's Corner blog posts about the relationship between SUD and music, the Great Lakes ATTC's "Embracing Change" article on the ATTC/NIATx Service Improvement Blog, and even more brand new products and resources from HHS Region 5. 

Grief Leadership Recovery and Renewal After Wildfire: A Place to Process for Educators, School Mental Health Providers, and Youth/Young Adult Leaders and Allies

On September 14th, 2023, over 60 attendees gathered to explore grief leadership, to create space for providers to process the August 8th wildfires in Lahaina, Hawai'i, and to explore how those devastating fires affected people far beyond Maui. This session was a collaboration of the School Crisis Recovery & Renewal Project (a National Child Traumatic Stress Network Category II site) and the youth and young adult specialty program of the Pacific Southwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Center    In times of crisis, coming together to make meaning of what we are each holding helps us show up for ourselves and for each other professionally. Our time together was designed to gather school crisis leaders, youth and young adult providers, and peer support professionals to explore how the Lahaina fires were experienced across multiple communities and ways to better support impacted children, youth, and young adults.   After rich discussions and collective learning and resourcing, we offer the following summary to steer our grief leadership, now and in the weeks, months, and years to come.   

Hotline Peer Specialist Integration: Preliminary Considerations for Equity and Sustainability

Authors Kirill Staklo (he/him) and Nze Okoronta (they/them) provide an overview of the necessary information for the integration of Peer Specialists in hotline programming for equity and sustainability. Topics include: Intro to the Peer Role, Medical trauma and minority stress, Hotline work: How is it different?, Informed consent and harm reduction, Best practices in service establishment and training, and further resources.

How To Approach, Engage, and Direct Individuals Living With TBI-A Training Series for First Responders

See each session below to access resources. Event Description This 4-part series is designed for the first responder community including law enforcement, parole, and probation personnel, EMTs, and any other members of the community engaged in emergency and front-line efforts.     The series kicks off with a 90-minute foundational introduction to Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). In this session, participants will learn what TBI is, its common signs and symptoms, how it can occur, and why conventional intervention methods often don't work with individuals living with TBI. We encourage all participants to attend the first session, it will establish a baseline of understanding for all participants as we move thru the series.    This training series will provide participants with tips and strategies for first responders who may encounter individuals living with a history of brain injury when responding to calls in the community. People living with brain injury have higher rates of mental health conditions and problematic use of substances and are often overrepresented among vulnerable populations. First responders may encounter individuals and their family members affected by brain injury when responding to crisis situations such as individuals expressing suicidal ideation and intent, those who are homeless, victims and perpetrators of intimate partner violence, and justice-involved individuals. Participants will become familiar with common clues of a history of brain injury and strategies to engage with individuals and deescalate as needed when encountering those living with this often-hidden disability.    Training Series Dates (participants must register for each session):    June 9th - Introduction - Kick-Off 10:00 am MST - 11:30 am MST  To access slide deck and associated resources, click DOWNLOAD above CLICK HERE to view the recording   June 16th: Intensive Workshop 1 for Law Enforcement and EMT Personnel 9:00 am MST - 10:00 am MST  To access slide deck and associated resources, click DOWNLOAD above CLICK HERE to view the recording   Intensive Workshop 2 for Probation and Parole Personnel 1:00 pm MST - 2:00 pm MST  To access slide deck and associated resources, click DOWNLOAD above CLICK HERE to view the recording   July 14th: Wrap-Up Panel  10:00 am MST - 11:30 am MST  To access slide deck and associated resources, click DOWNLOAD above Learning Objectives Attendees will be able to describe at least 3 common brain injury-related impairments  Attendees will be able to identify three signs that an individual may have a history of brain injury  Attendees will learn 3 strategies to safely engage with and redirect individuals living with a history of brain injury  Trainer Anastasia Edmonston, MS, CRC    

I’ve Screened, Now What? Perinatal Depression Screening and Response; HHS Region 8

  I’ve Screened, Now What? Perinatal Depression Screening and Response; HHS Region 8 Access slide decks with the green download button above View Recording   Session Description The Mountain Plains Mental Health Technology Transfer Center and the South Dakota Department of Health presented a two-hour training session on best practices for depression screening in perinatal populations.     Screening for depression symptoms without established plans for follow-up interventions can create challenges and anxiety for providers working in a variety of settings. This training reviewed best practices when screening perinatal populations for depression, and when needed, how to implement a team-based response to patients expressing thoughts of suicide. This session also examined unique barriers experienced by perinatal persons when seeking care and discuss the importance of referral pathways for connecting individuals to care.

Implementing Social Emotional Learning (SEL) During a Crisis

Download the presentation slides here Social and emotional learning (SEL) and life skills development through classroom activities and routines is foundational to students’ academic success. SEL is increasingly recognized as a component of promoting student engagement, positive school climate, and trauma sensitive schools. Many schools are especially noticing a need for SEL supports this school year, as students across the country are coping with variety of natural disasters, community stressors and disruptions to routine at school, home and in the community. At the same time, schools are busier than ever trying to catch students up academically and regain a sense of normalcy while simultaneously supporting student and staff needs. This session will highlight a targeted, feasible approach to implement SEL during a crisis with “SEL Kernels”. SEL Kernels are evidence-based, flexible, practical strategies to promote student SEL skill development, coping and resilience. In this learning session, we will detail the steps of assessing student SEL needs, identifying SEL Kernels to meet those needs, and implementing the SEL Kernels. Ms. Dawn Capes, a district leader from Bay District Schools, Florida will share how this approach is implemented as part of their Trauma Sensitive Classroom Project which started after Hurricane Michael. We will share resources including a teacher-reported SEL skill needs assessment survey, a free, searchable SEL Lessons Library, and relevant tools from Classroom Wise.   Learning Objectives After this learning session, participants will be able to: Understand SEL skill domains and how to conduct a needs assessment to identify priority areas for student SEL skill development. Locate free or low-cost SEL lessons or practices that can be flexibly implemented by teachers with mental health staff coaching and consultation supports. Integrate SEL implementation approaches that are practical, feasible, and effective during times of crisis or community-wide stress.   About the speakers Elizabeth Connors, PhD Elizabeth Connors is an Assistant Professor at Yale University, Division of Prevention and Community Research and at the Child Study Center. She is also a faculty member with the University of Maryland National Center for School Mental Health, where she is the Director of Quality Improvement and a developer of The SHAPE System. Dr. Connors received her Ph.D. in Clinical Child and Community Psychology and her work focuses on improving access to high-quality mental health promotion, prevention and intervention services and supports for underserved children, adolescents, young adults and their families in critical access points such as schools and community settings. Michael Strambler, PhD Michael Strambler is an Associate Professor at Yale University, Division of Prevention and Community Research and Director of Child Well-Being and Education Research at The Consultation Center at Yale. Dr. Strambler received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and his work focuses on the role of social environments in the academic, psychological, social, and behavioral well-being of children and youth. He also studies whether and how school-based programs improve the academic performance and health of children. Dr. Strambler is an enthusiast of practical approaches to use data to inform practices and policies.        

Improving Educator Mental Health Literacy with Classroom WISE

Classroom Well-Being Information and Strategies for Educators, or Classroom WISE, is a free three-part training package that assists K-12 educators in supporting the mental health of students in the classroom. Developed by the Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) Network in partnership with the National Center for School Mental Health (NCSMH), this package offers evidence-based strategies and skills to engage and support students with mental health concerns in the classroom. This webinar provides a free presentation on Classroom WISE as well as our 2021-2022 Promoting Educator Mental Health Literacy: A Mid-America MHTTC Regional Learning Community. We'll provide an overview of Classroom WISE, teach you how to access the modules, and help you prepare to apply what you learn to your work with children and adolescents.

Integrating Peer Support: Enhancing Crisis Services with Lived Experience

The purpose of the webinar is to take a closer look at the ways in which peers are contributing to what the traditional mental health system considers “crisis” supports and ways to implement this approach into crisis services offered by traditional mental health programs. The presenters will offer examples of peer-enhanced services within mental health organizations and how these services complement and improve the outcomes of service systems. They will also provide resources to help webinar participants access additional information about peer services and the role of peer support professionals and identify ideas about how peer services can be incorporated into existing systems.   To watch the recording, click here.    Presenters: Jessica Stohlmann-Rainey, Program Development at Rocky Mountain Crisis Partners Danielle Grondin, Intentional Peer Support

Interactive Data Map: Suicide and Crisis Services Access

About this Resource: Region IV is the largest HHS region, comprised of eight states and 26% of the U.S. population. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), suicide continues to be a leading cause of death and rates are increasing across the US, including the Southeast region. Populations at risk in Region IV states may face geographical disparities in accessing care, in particular crisis services. Visualizing relevant factors such as county-level suicide rates and available resources (e.g., crisis services), can be a challenge in a large, diverse region. The Southeast MHTTC Data Visualization Project provides information on Region IV priorities in an easy to understand graphical format.   Suicide and Crisis Services Access Relevant Factors: County level suicide rates, behavioral health facilities providing crisis services. To view each map in this visualization series, scroll using the grey scroller bar or grey arrows below. You may also click on each of the grey boxes (or tabs) below. Map 1 shows the suicide rates by county. Map 2 shows the availability of crisis intervention teams. Map 3 shows the availability of emergency mobile services. References for data sources are provided in the last tab.

Leading Ourselves & School Communities Through and After Crisis Towards Healing

Download the presentation slides here Session Overview:  School crises can be interrupters or the norm, depending on the school and its community context. Whether the crisis is acute, chronic, or complex, there are shared leadership practices, policies, and paradigm shifts that can support all stakeholders’ efforts to successfully navigate a crisis.  Leading school communities through crisis recovery and renewal while responding is hard and complex. We don’t need to hold this work alone (even though…we often do!). Together we explore these essential questions: What makes our leadership trauma informed- always, in the wake of, and in the aftermath of crisis?  How might we continue our trauma-informed leadership during and after a crisis has ended (e.g., COVID 19, a student death, hurricane) to strengthen our school climate?  This session is a continuation of our four-part series “Promoting School Preparedness, Community Resilience, and Recovery in the Face of Adversity” that took place in June and July of 2022. The series focused on the role of schools and school mental health providers throughout crisis planning and response and offers a framework for planning that is part of a larger trauma-informed and healing-centered approach to education and school mental health. The previous sessions covered Essentials, Improving Readiness, Response, and Recovery and Maintenance. You can review these sessions here. *The main session will be held for 60 min of teaching; we will pause at noon for those who need to exit and will then stay on for 15 more optional minutes for Q & A with the presenter.   Learning Outcomes:  Explore the ways that stress, trauma, and grief relate to our school crisis leadership approach(es) Identify what we would like to start, stop and sustain in our recovery and renewal leadership practice. Apply the principles of school crisis recovery and renewal to school site and system leadership, and larger school culture.   Speaker:    Leora Wolf-Prusan (she/hers) is the Director of Partnerships & Learning at the Center for Applied Research Solutions, serving as the Project Director for the School Crisis Recovery & Renewal (SCRR) project and as the school mental health field director for the Pacific Southwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC); previous roles include serving as the national field director of a SAMHSA initiative (ReCAST) and a TA provider for the Now is The Time Initiative (Project AWARE). Wolf-Prusan is dedicated to work focused on educator mental health, wellness, and trauma-informed approaches to education and operates through a framework in which public health, social work, and education intersect. Her research examined the impact of student death on teachers, what factors contribute to teachers building resiliency, and what supports teachers need from the school system in the event of a student homicide or other traumas. She received a BA in international relations and a BA in Spanish with a minor in Social & Ethnic Relations from the University of California, Davis; a teaching credential from Mills College; and an EdD in educational leadership from the University of California, Los Angeles. Her work in school crisis recovery and renewal is motivated by and dedicated to educators and youth who envision schools as a platform for community and connection.

LEND A HAND: A Crisis Management, Triage and De-escalation Model | Highlights & Key Concepts

ABOUT THIS RESOURCE LEND A HAND is a model for evaluating risk and determining appropriate responses. It can be used in correctional settings and in behavioral health response and recovery settings. Clinical psychologist and co-lead for the Behavioral Health Strike Team for the WA State Department of Health Dr. Kira Mauseth created the LEND A HAND model from her work over the past thirteen years in correctional and disaster behavioral health. This model also draws from research and practice in the areas of clinical psychology, community mental health, substance use intervention and treatment, and inpatient and outpatient behavioral health care. It is informed by de-escalation training in correctional settings as well as disaster behavioral health response and recovery. This Q&A document was developed from the LEND A HAND webinar held on October 6, 2021. View the recorded LEND A HAND webinar and other related resources here.     Terms of use and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) disclosure statement

LEND A HAND: A Crisis Management, Triage and De-escalation Model | Recorded Webinar

ABOUT THIS RESOURCE This is a recording of the live 75-minute webinar on LEND A HAND, a crisis management, triage, and de-escalation model with Dr. Kira Mauseth. This crisis management model provides specific information on how to assess and support people in crisis in any number of professional, clinical, or social circumstances that we may encounter. With attention to issues of diversity, perception, and self-awareness for providers, LEND A HAND includes intervention and communication strategies that are derived from evidence-based best practices in safety and de-escalation.   Participants in the LEND A HAND webinar will be able to: Identify where someone is on the crisis and recovery trajectory.  Assess the most immediate concerns, through a lens of equity and self-awareness. Apply evidence-based communication and de-escalation techniques. Engage in appropriate self-care and recovery strategies for long term success.     RESOURCES Presentation slides LEND A HAND worksheet Highlights and Key Concepts document National Guidelines for Behavioral Health Crisis Care – A Best Practice Toolkit from SAMHSA Resources from Northwest MHTTC related to this topic: Behavioral Health Crisis Response Systems webinar series Dr. Mauseth’s previous series with the Northwest MHTTC: Disaster Response and Behavioral Health Brief Behavioral Skills: DBT Distress Tolerance Skills    FACILITATOR Kira Mauseth, PhD Dr. Kira Mauseth is a practicing clinical psychologist who splits her professional time between seeing patients at Snohomish Psychology Associates, teaching as a Senior Instructor at Seattle University and serving as a co-lead for the Behavioral Health Strike Team for the WA State Department of Health. She also serves on the state’s Disaster Medical Advisory Committee (DMAC). Her work and research interests focus on resilience and recovery from trauma as well as well as disaster behavioral health. She has worked abroad extensively in disaster response and with first responders and health care workers throughout United States. Dr. Mauseth also conducts trainings and provides presentations to organizations and educational groups about disaster preparedness and resilience building within local communities.   Terms of use and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) disclosure statement

Muslim Mental Health Resources

These resources support those seeking care on their own behalf and those providing care to others.  There are culturally specific resources for Muslim communities and broader resources for all those who are impacted by these events.  There are resources for educators, parents, youth and young adults, and healthcare providers.  Several resources can be used to support the students in our schools. Those seeking additional support for trauma and bereavement are invited to contact us. We can provide direct assistance and linkages with other regional centers.

On Demand: Community Resiliency Model (CRM) for the Behavioral Health Workforce

About this Resource:   The Community Resiliency Model (CRM)® is a skills-based wellness and prevention program that provides a biological, non-stigmatizing perspective on normal human reactions to stress and trauma. In this on-demand recording, the facilitators help participants understand their nervous system and learn to track sensations connected to their own wellbeing. This low-intensity intervention teaches easy-to-learn skills to manage difficult emotions which can be brought on by stressful personal or professional situations.  CRM was developed at the Trauma Resource Institute by Elaine Miller-Karas [Miller-Karas, E. (2015). Building resilience to trauma: The trauma and community resiliency models. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group]. For more information:

On Demand: Overview of the SAMHSA Crisis Now Model, 988, and the GA Crisis & Access Line

About this Resource:  Given the ever-expanding inclusion of the term “crisis” by entities describing offerings that do not truly function as no-wrong-door safety net services, we must define what crisis services are and what they are not. Crisis services are for anyone, anywhere and anytime. In addition to 911 calls and support, law enforcement, and fire & rescue, crisis services include crisis lines, mobile crisis teams, and crisis receiving and stabilization facilities. Leaders from Behavioral Health Link and the Georgia Crisis and Access Line discuss key components of SAMHSA's Crisis Now Model, implications of 988, and a "crisis now model" in action using Georgia as an example.  For additional information on crisis service availability in the Southeast and across the US, be sure to check out our related interactive data map: Suicide and Crisis Services Access.   .

On Demand: Perspectives in Crisis: Alternatives for Preventing & Responding to Crisis

About this Resource:  Perspectives in Mental Health Crisis is a four-part series examining the experiences of Certified Peer Specialists (CPS) as they navigate, utilize, and provide crisis services. In our fourth and final installment "Alternatives to Preventing and Responding to Crisis", our facilitators and panelists provide insight into how to avoid or lessen the negative impact of a mental health crisis. Peers share firsthand their hardships and how they were able to hold onto the things that mattered most to them, such as employment, housing, and relationships. In closing, several highly experienced and well-regarded trainers share formal skills peers can develop to enhance their resilience and prepare for the next situation life throws at them.   Click here to learn about other sessions in this series.

On Demand: Perspectives in Crisis: Decriminalizing Mental Health Crisis

About this Resource:  Perspectives in Mental Health Crisis is a four-part series examining the experiences of Certified Peer Specialists (CPS) as they navigate, utilize, and provide crisis services. In part 3 of this series, peer panelists discuss the factors that have contributed to the criminalization of mental health issues and identify strategies that can help communities to decriminalize mental illness, including diversion, co-responding, and forensic peer mentoring.  Click here to learn about and register for our upcoming sessions in this series. 

On Demand: Perspectives in Crisis: Defining a Mental Health Crisis

About this Resource:  Perspectives in Mental Health Crisis is a four-part series examining the experiences of Certified Peer Specialists (CPS) as they navigate, utilize, and provide crisis services. The first session, “Defining a Mental Health Crisis,” featured a discussion by Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network and guest panelists on how different groups of people define and use the words "mental health crisis" and how these different understandings impact outcomes.

On Demand: Perspectives in Crisis: Peer Experiences in Mental Health Crisis

About this Resource:  Perspectives in Mental Health Crisis is a four-part series examining the experiences of Certified Peer Specialists (CPS) as they navigate, utilize, and provide crisis services. In part 2 of this series, peer panelists discussed differing peer perspectives on and experiences with crisis, explained strategies for preventing and managing crises, and provided crisis support resources.   Click here to learn about and register for our upcoming sessions in this series.   

On Demand: Trauma and the Peer Perspective: Trauma and 988/Crisis Services Response (Part 2)

About this Resource:  The prevalence and impact of trauma is undeniable. Statistics show that as many as 90% of the people who enter the public behavioral health system have experienced trauma. The adverse childhood experiences study (ACE) demonstrates the correlation between early childhood adversity and negative health outcomes in adulthood, including heart disease, cancer, substance misuse and mental health challenges. Our series Trauma and the Peer Perspective will examine the myriad of way trauma is defined, and how trauma is often addressed within behavioral health systems. We will explore how systems can create trauma and/or retraumatize those seeking help and how trauma informed peer support and services can be a game changer. Trauma and 988/Crisis Services Response (Part 2) Description: Everyone is familiar with 911, 411, and even 211, but what about the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline? Four years in the making, 988 is now a national reality. Trauma is very often the catalyst for crisis and providing trauma informed support is critical during times of crisis. Learning objectives: 1. Learn what’s working well with the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline 2. Gain insight on what could be different with the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline 3. Understand the ways that the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline responds to trauma

Peer Perspectives: Navigating, Utilizing and Providing Crisis Services (Infographic)

About this Resource:  This infographic defines crisis services and outlines the role of Certified Peer Specialists in crisis care. It reviews evidence-based crisis services involving peers and identifies ways peers can support themselves and others in a crisis. This product serves as a companion to our Perspectives in Mental Health Crisis four-part series examining the experiences of Certified Peer Specialists (CPS) as they navigate, utilize, and provide crisis services.

Peers Supporting People in Times of Crisis

Original Broadcast Date: 1/25/21 SAMHSA’s (2020) National Guidelines for Behavioral Health Crisis Care- A Best Practice Toolkit highlights the critical roles Peer Specialists hold in providing services that promote wellness and recovery, including during crises. Peer Specialists bring distinct value in the engagement of people during and after suicide crisis in numerous ways, such as inspiring a sense of hope for recovery, personal understanding of barriers and solutions to mental health system navigation, and contributing to anti-stigma efforts with lived experience of mental health recovery. With a diverse panel of Peer Specialists (youth and adult) working across the crisis continuum of care from the Pacific Northwest and Southwest and New England regions of the United States, audiences will learn about the roles of Peer Specialists in promoting wellness and recovery within mobile crisis units, peer respite programs, creating self-help tools like Apps and documentary film, supporting our colleagues within the Peer workforce, and working on warm and hotlines for both youth, adults, and older populations. This panel is part of a 3-webinar series about Peer Specialists’ Roles in Behavioral Health Crisis including Suicide.
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