Behavioral Health Crisis Response Systems Live Webinar Series: Designing and Implementing Ideal Behavioral Health Crisis Systems

image of 3 gears with Crisis response words in them

Communities are increasingly recognizing that people in behavioral health crisis have diverse and complex needs, and that simply creating a single crisis response program does not meet those needs successfully. Further, it is clear that lack of effective crisis response is likely to lead to inappropriate arrests and incarceration, ER boarding, increased suicide rates, and - most tragically - painful challenges for individuals and families attempting to get help. For that reason, in the past few years, the national conversation has turned to looking at the need for comprehensive and effective BH crisis systems to serve the needs of communities (of all types) across the nation. Such systems should be viewed as Essential Community Services (like EMS and fire) that are responsive to everyone and "owned" and accountable to the community as a whole.  The Group for Advancement of Psychiatry Committee on Psychiatry and the Community (Dr. Minkoff is co-chair, and Dr. Flaum and Balfour are among the members) has worked for the past four years to put together a nearly completed documented outlining in detail the essential elements and measurable criteria for such a system, and steps for any community to make progress in achieving it. This presentation illustrates the major components of such a system, including Accountability and Funding; Comprehensive Array of Components; and Essential Best Practices. 

Slides available for download here.
References cited in this presentation are available here.
About the Presenter

picture of Ken Minkoff

Ken Minkoff, MD

Dr. Minkoff, a board-certified addiction psychiatrist, has been recognized as one of the most preeminent experts on integrated services and systems for individuals with co-occurring serious mental illnesses and substance use disorders. For over 40 years, he has worked to develop services and systems to best meet the needs of individuals, families, and populations with the greatest challenges. Dr. Minkoff has been involved in service provision, management, and consultation in almost every area of behavioral health. He serves on the Interdepartmental Serious Mental Illness Coordinating Committee, created by the 21st Century CURES Act to bring multiple federal departments together to create a transformed system of care for individuals and families addressing serious mental illness and serious emotional disturbance. Dr. Minkoff is co-chair of the Committee on Psychiatry and the Community for Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry, which is developing the Ideal Crisis System materials discussed in this presentation.  He and his consulting partner Dr. Christie A. Cline, MD, MBA, are currently providing consultation to communities interested in developing BH crisis systems and services. Dr. Minkoff is active in influencing policy and practice on a national and state level.

April 16, 2020
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