Communicating about School Mental Health: A New Graphic Tool for School Mental Health Providers and Staff

Why aren’t our providers on the same page about school mental health supports and services? Do we have clear, consistent strategies to communicate with school mental health providers and staff about a spectrum of supports in each school? This topical learning forum is dedicated to building capacity for teams to develop a shared understanding and shared language about resources and strategies that school mental health providers and staff can use to support student wellness. In addition to reviewing key principals about how to clearly communicate about school mental health to different audiences, this session will provide an overview of a new graphic tool for school mental health providers and staff. This session will also include an example from a school district that has leveraged this tool to facilitate communication among their school mental health teams. Participants will have access to the graphic tool post-event to facilitate a shared understanding for your team and school mental health providers/staff about where they show up in the landscape of student wellness.  


Learning Objectives 

Participants who join this session will be able to: 

  • Understand key principles for communicating about school mental health. 
  • Access a new graphic tool designed to illustrate school mental health resources available to school mental health providers and staff across contexts.  
  • Strategically integrate graphic tools to support communication about school mental health. 
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