Flourishing at Work: A Plan for Helping Professionals | Session 3: Learning to Let Go

Learning to Let Go, Michelle Zechner, PhD, LSW, CPRP

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Helping professionals, such as counselors, teachers, and health professionals, are critically important to the workforce, yet we are also at great risk for helping others more than we help ourselves! In this 6 part series, we invite YOU to sit down, take a breath, replenish yourself and restore by considering strategies to help you flourish. Together, we’ll explore the importance of making our own well-being a priority, think about our work/life balance, remember our purpose, take actions to flourish, and use our strengths within a framework of healthy positivity. This 6-week collection (webinar and podcast series) will be led by experts in supporting personal recovery, wellness, and positive psychology with practical approaches that build up to a comprehensive flourishing plan. Join us for this series designed to support your flourishing.

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