Session 1 of Rising Practices & Policies Revisited - 988 Turns One! How Did it Go and How Can it Grow?

This is a recording of “Session 1: 988 Turns One! How Did it Go and How Can it Grow?” in the Rising Practices & Policies Revisited: Emerging Priorities in Mental & School Mental Health series. 

On May 8, 2023, our Center’s Co-Director Dr. Miranda March hosted this Session 1, a panel discussion on how school and mental health leaders from our Pacific Southwest region have implemented 988, the National Suicide Prevention Hotline that launched in July of 2022. The panel was moderated by Danielle Raghib, Technical Assistance Specialist with the Center for Applied Research Solutions and featured CJ Loiselle, David Lopez, Kelly Marschall and Dr. Margie Balfour. 

View this recording to hear the panelists' presentations and a Q&A with participants regarding the following questions, and more:

  • How has the launch of 988 gone and how has it served the communities in our region?
  • What are some of the challenges and wins?
  • What are some of the lessons learned in the implementation of 988 (what worked and didn’t work, any models adopted, any emerging practices emerging)?
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