On Demand: Peer Workforce Well-Being in the Southeast

Online Engagement

About this Resource: 

A certified peer specialist is a person who self identifies as living with a behavioral health concern or diagnosis and who is in recovery. Peers work from the perspective of their lived experience to build connections and promote hope, recovery, and self-determination in the communities where they serve. Their ability to share their lived experience in a way that promotes hope for recovery and wellness in others is one of the talents of peer specialists that distinguishes them from other members of a care team. However, barriers to and support for their recovery and well-being are often overlooked.

Self-care is an important part of life for many peer specialists. What that looks like will vary from peer specialist to peer specialist (just as it differs from person to person). Learning from a peer specialist what self-care looks like for them is important in establishing and managing expectations for the peer specialist, their supervisor, and their organization. In this on-demand recording, certified peer specialists discuss challenges to and strategies for supporting and enhancing peer workforce well-being. 

Key Learning Objectives: 

1. Discuss and identify barriers to recovery and wellness commonly experienced by the peer workforce.  

2. Identify actions peer support providers, their supervisors, and their organizations can take to support peer workforce well-being.

3. Distinguish the benefits and objectives of recovery and wellness trainings such as Whole Health Action Management and Wellness Recovery Action Planning.   


About the Facilitators: 

GMHCN facilitatorsThe Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network believes in the ability of everyone living with mental health concerns to enjoy lives of purpose, meaning, productivity, and wellness. Since it was founded in 1991, this grassroots nonprofit organization has been led and run by mental health peers—people in mental health recovery. At its core, the basis of peer support—one person using their lived experience to support another—is not new; in fact, it is the basis of human growth and development. Mental health peers with special training are now able to use their lived recovery experience in clinical settings to provide something beyond a diagnosis or medication.  


Roslind D. Hayes, BS, CPS-AD, CARES, WHWC is the Statewide Coordinator of the GMHCN's Peer Support, Wellness, and Respite Centers. She is a trainer/facilitator for the Certified Peer Specialist Project, Peer Zone, and Intentional Peer Support. 

Chris Johnson, MFA, CPS, CPS-AD is GMHCN's Director of Communications. He is responsible for sharing information about recovery and wellness opportunities to behavioral health peers and providers across Georgia. 

August 2, 2021
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