Interactive Data Map: Community Pharmacies

About this Resource: 

Region IV is the largest HHS region, comprised of eight states and 26% of the U.S. population. These states have large rural populations, high poverty rates, and face racial and cultural disparities in care. In addition, the Southeast states have considerable clinical, geographic, workforce, and health system differences that often impact access to care.   These factors are important considerations when planning mental health care and support services as well as identifying the availability of other potential community resources that could temporarily fill gaps in care if needed.

The Southeast MHTTC Data Visualization Project provides information on Region IV priorities in an easy to understand graphical format. Click on the "View Resource" button to access this map and learn more about the availability of community pharmacies.

Community Pharmacy Locations

Relevant Factors: Location of community pharmacies, availability of additional health services (i.e., walk-in clinic), and distance to local community mental health facility.

Helpful Tips: To view each map in this visualization series, scroll using the gray scroller bar or gray arrows. You may also click on each of the gray boxes (or tabs).

  • Map 1 shows the distribution of pharmacy locations in each state based on data from the National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP).
  • Map 2 shows the locations of mental health facilities and NCPDP pharmacies.
  • Map 3 shows the distribution of mental health facilities and pharmacies within each county.

References for Data Sources:

August 26, 2024
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