November GSVLI: A Smorgasbord of Grief Counseling Tools

A Smorgasbord of Grief Counseling Tools

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Session Description:

Join Doug Smith to explore grief counseling skills. Part 2 (During the November Institute) will present and briefly describe a multitude of grief counseling tools, including loss intensity graphs, relationship complexity graphs, healing contracts, grief diaries, letters to finish the unfinished, memory books, memory jars, memory quilts, memory sculptures, memory collages, forgiveness flowers, wounded healer resumes, joys and concerns altars, guided imagery techniques, virtual dreams, breath meditations, collaborative prayers, tools for getting through the holidays, Tonglen, and the use of silence.

Speaker Bio:

Douglas Smith has been the lead instructor for the University of Wisconsin’s Grief Support Services Certificate program, which has trained over 600 healthcare professions in 39 states and 14 countries. He has conducted extensive grief training workshops in all 50 states, and internationally. He also has extensive personal experiences related to grief.


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