Coming Soon-Supporting Mental Health of Transgender People

June 12, 2023

Changing the Conversation: Mental Health Advocacy: Honoring Living Experience

In this podcast episode, Dina Coughlan shares her experience as a mental health advocate with host Ashley Stewart, and they discuss how to support mental wellness in the workplace. This episode is sponsored by the New England Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network (MHTTC).

Listen Here!



Listening Session for People with Lived Experience of Mental Health Conditions

Do you have lived experience of a mental health condition? Tell us what it means to be empowered! New England MHTTC is helping the Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation at Boston University recruit participants for a listening session focused on feeling empowered as a person with a mental health condition. The Center is especially interested in the opinions of people from diverse backgrounds. Who should attend: individuals with lived experience of a mental health condition from populations traditionally under-represented in behavioral health care evaluation efforts and who want to help look at a scale and make suggestions.


The listening session will be no more than one hour long, and participants will receive a $35 payment. The listening session will support the Center to re-validate the Empowerment Scale which has been widely used nationally and internationally in a variety of research studies. Given how long ago it was developed, the Center thinks the scale could benefit from a close look at the questions and wording. The goal is to get feedback from people with lived experience and then test the scale. For more info and if you are interested in participating, contact David Braverman at: [email protected]


June 21

Supporting the Mental Health of Transgender People

Transgender people experience higher levels of depression, anxiety, and suicidality than cisgender people, and the highest rates of mental health challenges among people who identify as LGBTQIA+. Presenters will speak about their work in New England, share their strategies for and experiences with supporting mental health for transgender populations and answer questions from participants.



  • Layne Alexander Gianakos (he/him), Program Coordinator, Office of Health Equity Research at Yale School of Medicine
  • Kirill Ivan Staklo (he/him), Program Director, PeerPride
  • Dr. Heather Kim, MD, Department of Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital

Join us on Wednesday, June 21, 2023 at 1:30 PM ET.

Register Here!


June 27

Reclaiming Native Psychological Brilliance: Wise Practices- June Event

United South and Eastern Tribes, Inc. and New England MHTTC would like to invite you and your staff to attend "Reclaiming Native Psychological Brilliance: Wise Practices," a Tribal Behavioral Health ECHO webinar series. Native Psychological Brilliance refers to the intelligence, strengths, balance, innate resources, and resilience of Native people. 


The topic of June's session is: "Healing Native Family Trauma Connected to Drugs and Alcohol."


This no-cost telehealth series will be held on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 11:00 am Pacific/12:00 pm Mountain/1:00 pm Central/2:00 pm Eastern. Each session will be one hour in length and will provide an opportunity for participants to: 

  • Gain skills on strength-based approaches in partnership with Native People to enhance Native behavioral health
  • Discuss ways that Native brilliance is demonstrated and supports behavioral health
  • Learn about Native brilliance examples to share with behavioral health and other health care staff, as well as with local Tribal Nation citizens 


The concept of Native psychological brilliance will be celebrated through Native music video and Native spoken word performances as part of each session.

Join us on Tuesday, June 27, 2023 at 2 PM ET.

Register Here!

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