Suicide Prevention

New England MHTTC is working with stakeholders around the region to offer training, technical assistance focused on suicide prevention. Below are some highlights of our efforts thus far.

Event | Zero Suicide Efforts in New England: A Collaborative Conversation

In February 2020, we convened stakeholders implementing the Zero Suicide model around New England. The goals of this meeting were to strengthen existing relationships and forge new ones, not only in service of strengthening our systems to prevent suicide in New England, but to also give stakeholders working on Zero Suicide an opportunity to discuss their implementation successes and challenges. Participants from every New England state and a variety of settings discussed forming community partnerships, the benefits and challenges to working in particular settings (e.g., state agencies, public/private hospitals, community-based programs). We documented emerging best practices and identified common challenges in implementing Zero Suicide. Over the coming months, we will share more about the outcomes of this event, including resources and training and technical assistance opportunities. 

Webcast | Suicidal Behaviors in Clinical High Risk Populations

As part of our Early Psychosis Learning Collaborative (EPLC), Dr. Shirley Yen discussed what puts people at risk for suicidal behavior, particularly those struggling with early psychosis. She reviewed essential components of safety planning and treatment approaches. View the webinar recording.

Symposium | Building a Workforce with Lived Experience: Preventing Suicide During Transitions

In June 2019, we convened representatives from approximately 25 groups around New England to begin a dialogue on how best to integrate peers into suicide prevention efforts around the region. While the initial focus for the day was on the role of peers in supporting people through various transitions in care, the conversation quickly shifted to the role of peers more broadly in preventing suicide. 

View footage from the event:

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