This Week: Mental Health & Social Services for AANHPI (Tue) & Trauma-Informed De-escalation (Wed)

July 29, 2024

Celebrating 6 Years of Service 

After six years of working enthusiastically on building the New England MHTTC, we would like to get a well-rounded understanding of the experiences of our team and partners and gather valuable insights for future projects. We see this as a great way to reflect on the project’s successes and areas for improvement and celebrate all the good work and
legacy we are leaving behind.

Please help us by completing this short survey and sharing your feedback. 

Thank you in advance!

Complete Survey

July 30
Resources within Reach: Mental Health & Social Services for AANHPI

In recognition of National Minority Mental Health Month, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Region 1 and the White House Initiative on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (WHIAANHPI) are pleased to partner with the Massachusetts Asian American and Pacific Islanders Commission, to bring subject matter experts from federal, state, and local organizations together for a webinar, dedicated to elevating diverse voices within the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander community and expanding access to culturally specific behavioral health resources and other social services.

Join us on Tuesday, July 30, 2024 at 1 pm ET.

Register Here!

July 31
Trauma-Informed De-escalation: Calming the ‘I’ of the Storm

One of the most difficult tasks for staff in human service work is to successfully respond instead of react to agitated clients. While many trainings teach de-escalation approaches, few are explicitly grounded in an understanding of how trauma and stress impact the brain. And even fewer acknowledge that responding to an escalation requires the professional to override their natural “fight-flight-freeze” instincts. This two hour training will examine disconnecting our own stress response when responding to power struggles and escalated clients. Guided by frameworks of Trauma-Informed Care, Motivational Interviewing, and Behavioral Change Theories, the training will educate, inform, and inspire service providers to improve practices and approaches. Frameworks presented can be used in organizational settings of both children and adults.
Presenters: Rowan Willis-Powell and Liz Geisel, MSW

Join us on Wednesday, July 31, 2024 at 10 am ET.
Register Here!

August 5
Early Psychosis Prescriber Consultation Series: Long Acting Injectables

The Massachusetts Psychosis Network for Early Treatment (MAPNET) and the New England Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) will host a virtual monthly “Early Psychosis Prescriber Consultation Series” led by Dr. Matcheri Keshavan on prescribing practices for early psychosis, including a review of a selected monthly topic. Our next call is on Monday, August 5 from 11am-12pm EST. Our topic for this month is “Long Acting Injectables” and will be presented by Dr. Raúl Condemarín.

Attendees are invited to bring deidentified case questions to discuss with the group. Cases do not have to relate to the monthly topic but should be focused on prescribing issues in early psychosis care.

Attendance will be limited to 20 participants and will be on a first come, first serve basis.  

Join us on Monday, August 5, 2024 at 11 am ET.
Register Here!

August 21
Person-Centered Recovery Planning Consultation Corner: Staff Training, Supervision & Quality Monitoring-How to Reinforce PCRP in Practice (Session 6)

The Person-Centered Recovery Planning (PCRP) Consultation Corner is a 6-month learning series featuring a monthly webinar on the “FAQs” of PCRP; offering practical tools and resources to support quality PCRP at the level of both individual service delivery and organizational systems change; and providing follow-up “office hours” through smaller-group technical assistance for webinar participants who wish to take a “deeper dive” on a given topic.

The topic for webinar session 6 is "Staff Training, Supervision & Quality Monitoring-How to Reinforce PCRP in Practice."

At the end of the series, participants will be able to:

  • Define PCRP and its essential elements
  • Increase familiarity with existing and emerging state and federal requirements regarding PCRP
  • Articulate a minimum of three differences between traditional methods of treatment planning and best-practice PCRP
  • Learn more about how the MHTTC PCRP Consultation Corner series can provide tools and resources to support the implementation of PCRP at your organization

While the Consultation Corner’s webinar series is open to a national audience, priority for technical assistance office hours following this webinar session on August 21 will be given to webinar participants from the New England (Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire) and South Southwest (Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas) regions.

Join us on Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 2 pm ET.
Register Here!

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