School Mental Health & Current Events

School Mental Health & Current Events


How Educators Can Respond to the Events of the Atlanta Shootings & Asian American and Pacific Islander Racial Violence in the Classroom.

-Jennie Liang, C-TLC Intern


As the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community is reeling from the events in Georgia this week, as well as the increased acts of violence and xenophobia over the past year, educators can play an important role in supporting their school community. 

Schools have a legal and ethical responsibility to uphold all students’ civil rights, which includes preventing all forms of bullying, harassment, and racist intimidation or behavior. Whether in person or virtually, educators can help to create positive school communities and help ensure that all students feel valued and safe. 

To help support AAPI and BIPOC students who may be feeling vulnerable and scared at the moment, educators should reassure children that adults will take care of them, model and teach desired behaviors, counter misinformation and stigma with accurate information, speak up against racist comments or behaviors, and reinforce acceptance and appreciation for diversity as core values.

NASP has provided a list of resources to help families and educators address these issues.

Additionally, the Pacific Southwest MHTTC is offering an AAPI listening session on Thursday, March 25 at 4 pm PT. Register for it here.



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