Compassion Fatigue Resilience Series: Self-Regulation

Compassion Fatigue Resilience Series

Compassion fatigue includes elements of burnout (work demands that outpace psychological resources), secondary traumatic stress (vicarious traumatization), direct traumatic stress (the experience of fear when treating patients), and prior traumatic stress history (Figley et al., 2004). Its signs resemble those seen in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and include physiological hyper-arousal, anxiety, avoidance, social withdrawal, irritability, and persistent thoughts about difficult, “traumatic” clinical experiences. This session-recording is designed to decrease burnout and compassion fatigue, as well as increase satisfaction and resilience. Part 1 focuses on the skill of Self-Regulation and teaches resilience techniques to help participants self-regulate their nervous systems.

Learning Objectives:
  • Define secondary traumatic stress, burnout and compassion fatigue
  • Describe the physiological effects of compassion fatigue
  • Describe and practice techniques for self-regulation


View recordings of Part 2: Reframing and Part 3: Self-Care in this series.




About the Presenter 

Joel Jackson Headshot

Joel Jackson serves as a subject matter expert for several programs at the Chicago Center for HIV Elimination. Through Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation of Greater Chicago, Joel serves as a Racial Healing Practitioner. In this role, Joel co-facilitates Racial Healing Circles across Chicagoland, helping to provide space for healing and connection and to reaffirm the humanity in all of us. He is also the UChicago Medicine Assistant Director of Inclusion and Training for the Urban Health Initiative Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Equity. He coordinates the hospital’s cultural competence training strategy and is the lead facilitator of the UChicago Medicine Cultural Competence Course. Joel is also helping to coordinate the hospital’s Resilience Based Care training strategy, which will include a focus on compassion fatigue resilience and a focus on trauma-informed care. He is a Certified Compassion Fatigue Professional and the 2020 Staff Diversity Leadership Award recipient for the University of Chicago.

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