Racial Equity Audit Webinar Series

This event will discuss the New England MHTTC's work assisting organizations with racial equity and efforts to make web-based content reflective of the mission & values of the organization. With intersectionality in mind, Ashley Stewart, Director of the Center for Health Equity will inform attendees about the methods used to ensure inclusivity, cultural awareness, and attunement via a web auditing process.

The first part of the webinar series on December 5, 2023 will cover: The inclusion of language addressing, responding to, and advocating around equity-related topics. C4 equity audits also assess for all forms of identity-based oppression, including, but not limited to, sexism, ageism, ableism, heterosexism, and linguistic and religious-based oppression.

Register for day one here. 

The second part of the webinar series on December 12, 2023 will cover: Assessment of the general tone and essence of a website related to engagement around equity, inclusion, and diversity. In addition to the use of intentional terminology, there is the need to assess how the terms are used, the stories they tell, the messages they imply, the depth or superficiality of the use of narrative or terms, and the broader impact on community engagement.

Register for day two here.

Our third session will be a didactic and tangible one, and we encourage participants to bring in examples from their organizations as presenter Ashley Stewart will share a resource handout that will help guide organizations through the stages of transformation. Attendees will spend time in groups discussing essential questions like: What does it look like to acknowledge to engage in accountability and take action? What do we need to acknowledge? Where do we need to take accountability? And what does action look like?

Register for day three here. 


If you would like accommodations to participate in any of our events, please contact us at [email protected].

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