Let’s Talk about Intimate Partner Violence (IPV): Offering Accessible, Trauma-Informed, and Culturally Responsive Supports (Part 1)

The Great Lakes MHTTC is offering this training for individuals working in HHS Region 5: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI. This training is being provided in response to a need identified by Region 5 stakeholders.


Let’s Talk about Intimate Partner Violence (IPV): Offering Accessible, Trauma-Informed, and Culturally Responsive Supports




Domestic Violence can impact a survivor’s sense of physical and emotional safety, their overall health, their capacity to function in daily life, as well as their ability to successfully navigate the available support systems and resources that can help them. In this webinar we define and explore the impacts of  intimate partner violence (IPV) and the lasting effects of individual, historical, and collective trauma. The session 1 discussion will include information about how IPV specifically impacts mental health, substance use, parenting, and community connection.




  • Discuss the impact of intimate partner violence and traumatic events
  • Explain how coervice control impacts mental health
  • Learn about a framerwork focused on increasing support while providing cultural responsive and trauma-informed sevices




Cathy Cave

Cathy Cave, Senior Training Consultant, The National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma, and Mental Health


Cathy Cave has more than 30 years’ experience as an administrator, facilitator and consultant specializing in cultural inclusion, equity, anti-racism work and disparities elimination, trauma informed services and supports, organizational development, supervisory practice and leadership coaching within child welfare, juvenile justice, disaster response, health care, mental health, and substance use services. She is one of New York State’s early trauma champions, coordinating county collaboratives and clinical training trauma conferences.

For the National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma, and Mental Health, Cathy is engaged in internal and external planning, development, and change initiatives. She provides in-person and virtual training, TA, and curriculum development supporting programs, coalitions, other technical assistance centers, governmental bodies and community-based organizations. Since 2012 as a Senior Training Consultant with NCDVTMH, she utilizes her survivor, family, community and administrative perspectives to facilitate organizational change to improve service quality at local, state and national levels.

July 19, 2022
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