Let’s Talk about Intimate Partner Violence: Working at the Intersections of Substance Use and Intimate Partner Violence–What Every Provider Needs to Know (Part 3)

Let’s Talk about Intimate Partner Violence: Working at the Intersections of Substance Use and Intimate Partner Violence–What Every Provider Needs to Know (Part 3)




It has long been recognized that abuse by an intimate partner can have traumatic mental health and substance use effects. Research has found high rates of both past and current intimate partner violence (IPV) among people in substance use disorder and mental health care settings. A growing body of evidence has found that abuse is often targeted at a partner’s substance use and mental health in deliberate attempts to undermine and control survivors and keep them from achieving their recovery goals. These forms of abuse, known as substance use coercion and mental health coercion, not only jeopardize the well-being of survivors and their children, but also compromise the effectiveness of mental health and substance use disorder treatment. This session will clarify the relationship between IPV and substance use, as well as prepare participants to increase awareness of and better support survivors experiencing substance use coercion.




  • Describe ways of substance use coercion.
  • Explain how substance use and mental health coercion influence in the effectiveness of treatment.
  • Identify how clinicians can support individuals that experienced substance user coercion.




Gabriela Zapata-Alma

Gabriela Zapata-Alma, LCSW, CADC, is the Associate Director at the National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma, and Mental Health, as well as a Lecturer at the University of Chicago, where they direct the Alcohol and Other Drug Counselor Training Program. Gabriela brings over 15 years of experience supporting people impacted by structural and interpersonal violence and their traumatic effects through innovative and evidence-based clinical, housing, resource advocacy, peer-led, and HIV-integrated care programs. Currently, Gabriela authors best practices, leads national capacity-building efforts, and provides trauma-informed policy consultation to advance health equity and social justice.



The Great Lakes MHTTC is offering this training for individuals working in HHS Region 5: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI. This training is being provided in response to a need identified by Region 5 stakeholders.

September 29, 2022
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