Making Sense of School Mental Health: A New Graphic Tool on the Role of Teachers - Part 2

This series, Communicating About School Mental Health, provided state and local education agencies with information about how to most effectively communicate about school mental health to audiences who may not have a background in education or mental health. It provided strategies and tools that help navigate pitfalls and craft messaging likely to raise awareness, increase engagement, and convey the value of improving student wellness. You can learn more about the series HERE.

Making Sense of School Mental Health: A New Graphic Tool on the Role of Teachers provided recommendations on how to translate complex concepts about children’s mental health and school mental health into visual aides to enhance understanding. In this session, we provided a new graphic tool designed to help you communicate with teachers about their role and the role of other adults on campus in supporting school mental health. Participants will be able to access and implement the graphic tool with a full suite of support tools.

August 9, 2021
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