Latinos and Suicide: A Clinician’s Guide to Prevention and Treatment Masterclass II


This clinicians’ guide addresses one of the largest cultural groups in the United States today, persons of Latin American ancestry commonly referred to as Latinos or Hispanics. The guide considers suicide as part of social phenomena but our attention will be to suicides and suicide attempts as deeply psychological, emotional events. The emphasis is on what drives some people to think about suicide, to plan a suicide, and to attempt suicide. This guide is intended for mental health professionals and other health providers who are dedicated to delivering services to the diverse Hispanic or Latino population. It discusses suicidal behavior, demographics of the Hispanic population, risks for suicide, and prevention, intervention, recovery, and postvention. The guide includes two case studies of suicide attempts by teenage girls and questions for clinicians to consider in the assessment and intervention.


This master class series is aimed at developing the skills of mental health professionals working with Latino populations who may be at risk for suicidal behaviors. The Clinician´s Guide includes 5 modules that discuss and define relevant terms as well as the role of culture in understanding and treating suicidal behaviors among Latinos. The guide also discusses issues related to prevention, risk and protective factors, assessment and intervention as well as school-related considerations.



Module 3: Risk and Protective Factors

  • Discuss risk factors for suicidal behaviors including culture-related risk factors such as acculturative stress
  • Address the importance of identifying protective factors including cultural values that may serve as protection for suicidal behaviors
  • Provide strategies for exploring risk and protective factors for suicidal behaviors
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