Alcohol Is Still a Drug Flipbook


Alcohol is still a drug

The Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC have created an online flipbook for the Alcohol is STILL a Drug series. Alcohol is STILL a Drug is comprised of ten 30-minute videos recorded between September 2021–August 2022. Each video addresses the impacts of alcohol use disorder (AUD) and is presented by a leading professional in that field. 


You can view the flipbook online or you can download a PDF version. The videos and supplemental resources are accessible in either format. 




The opioid crisis, increasing stimulant misuse, and marijuana legalization often dominate the news—yet alcohol remains the number one substance negatively impacting physical health, mental health, social engagement, and financial stability for individuals throughout the US.


While this series will focus on the hopefulness of recovery from AUD, it will also take a deep dive into what we know about the full impact of alcohol overuse and the ways it affects everyone, even those who do not personally misuse alcohol.


The Alcohol Is Still a Drug series offers viewers the following learning objectives:

  • Summarize the current impacts of problematic alcohol use in various/special populations, including pregnant women, youth, rural, and minority populations
  • Assess and prioritize alcohol reduction efforts in targeted settings
  • Describe the current efforts to curb problematic alcohol use, including best practices in providing treatment
  • Understand the importance of person-centered approaches to treatment and recovery


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