Let’s Talk About Resilience: Supporting the Mental Health of Youth and Young Adults in Foster Care

Young people with foster care experience are incredibly resilient. Despite facing enormous challenges including trauma, loss, and disruptions to schooling and social and family connections, they can and do heal, thrive, and contribute to their communities every day. Relationships with supportive adults and the right services at the right time both contribute to better outcomes - particularly when the adults supporting young people in foster care recognize their potential and when services meet their needs and strengthen protective factors.

In this interactive conversation, we discussed the resilience of youth and young adults in foster care, and how providers, practitioners, caregivers, and other adults can help them to navigate challenges and thrive.



Annie E. Casey Foundation | Brain Frames: Short Tools for Positive Interactions With Youth in Foster Care

Annie E. Casey Foundation | Adolescent Brain Development Resources

The Root | Black Children and Foster Care: On Surviving the Trauma of a System That Doesn’t Care About Keeping Families Together

NYT | What Makes Some People More Resilient Than Others

Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Mental Health Resource Guide

NYC Well | COVID-19 Digital Mental Health Resources

What is essential when promoting resilience and ensuring a culturally humble lens?


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